Chapter 27

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It was a beautiful early fall day in Australia. The cool breeze was nice as it wasn't warm. Jasmine and the girls were waking up and grabbed some breakfast before driving to Melbourne which is a short drive. After breakfast, Jasmine drove the girls to the Aquarium. They walked towards the first area of the aquarium which were the rays. After that they were going to the rockpools. They went to the ancient oceans area next to see the clown fish. They took the escalator to the next area which has the ocean invaders fish and the Interactive wonder room. After that they took the lift to the next area. It has the shipwreck theater, Oceanarium,and turtle cove. They saw sharks and turtles. After that they took a ramp up to the ground area. They were going to see the croc lab and the Coral Atoll before going to the next area. They took a ramp to level one which has Croc lair lookout, Croc cafe and the conservation cove. After that they saw the rainforest walk area before going to the penguin area. They went to see the seahorses in the seahorse pier. They walked to the four D cinema and then to penguin playground to finish the afternoon. They went to the gift shop before leaving. They each got a little souvenir to take with them. The girls then exited the aquarium before going to the next place in the area.

The girls went to get an early dinner before making their way to Phillip Island to see the penguin parade. They stopped at a fast food restaurant for dinner. Once they got done eating, they headed to Phillip Island to see the penguin parade. The penguin parade was so good and amazing to see. After seeing the parade , the girls went back to their hotel and went to bed.

The next day, Rosalie woke up and made everyone breakfast. She had made eggs, bacon, and toast for everyone.

"Morning Rosalie." Casey spoke as she yawned.

"Morning to you as well, Casey." Rosalie spoke.

"What would you like to drink with your breakfast?" Rosalie asked Casey.

"I would like some milk please." Casey said to Rosalie.

"Coming right up, Casey." She said as she grabbed a glass from the cupboard. She then went to the fridge and grabbed the milk and poured it into the glass. After that she put the food on everyone's plate and sat each plate on the table. Jasmine and Nicole woke up and got their drinks and sat at the table. Once they sat down to eat, Nicole said the prayer and blessed the food. Then everyone started eating when she finished.

"So Jasmine, what does it feel like to be married now?" Nicole asked.

"It definitely hasn't sunk in yet. But It feels amazing so far." Jasmine spoke.

"Yeah, It will, Jasmine, Where are you and Antonio going for Honeymoon?" She asked.

"We haven't decided yet. But we are figuring it out." Jasmine replied.

"Well you could go to Costa Rica?" Nicole suggested.

"Yeah, That sounds pretty." I'll tell Antonio about it." she spoke.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Nicole asked.

"I don't really know." Jasmine replied.

"Well we could do something we have never done before." Nicole suggested.

"Like what, Nicole? What could we do?" Jasmine asked.

"Maybe go to play a round of tennis at Melbourne park?" Nicole answered.

"Yeah we could do that." Jasmine spoke to Nicole.

Meanwhile Rosalie and her husband Lucas were going on their honeymoon. Lucas had gotten a nice hotel for them to stay at. Rosalie was quite anxious as she wanted to spend some time with Lucas. She couldn't believe that she was now married and was going to spend the rest of her life with Lucas. Lucas smiled at his wife Rosalie whom he loves. Rosalie smiled back at him and gave him a kiss on the lips. After that both Rosalie and Lucas went sightseeing together. They saw all sorts of things and did things together as a married couple.

"Do you want to go zip lining with me?" Lucas asked Rosalie.

"I would love to go with you, babe." Rosalie said to him.

Lucas and Rosalie went ziplining together. They really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. After that they went to lunch together and talked about what kind of house they wanted and things.

"So Baby, where should we live?" Lucas asked her.

"Could we live in Greece?" Rosalie asked him.

"Yes baby, we can live in Greece." Lucas replied to her.

"I love you babe." Rosalie said to him.

"Love you too baby." He said to her and kissed her on the lips.

Rosalie and Lucas talked about the child they were hoping to adopt.

"So what do you think of looking at houses with me baby?" He asked.

"I think it's a great idea babe. Since we are looking to adopt a child or two.

"I totally agree with you on that one." he spoke to her.

They both started looking at houses online first to get some ideas. After a while they found a few they liked. They then bookmarked the houses they liked or loved so they could go look at them when they got back to greece.

"What should we do baby?" He asked her.

"I think we should get a massage together babe." She told him.

"Yeah, baby I think that would help us bond more as a couple." He spoke.

So they found a place to get a massage as a couple and were really enjoying the massages on their muscles.

After their massages, they went exploring some more and learned about each other. Lucas held Rosalie's hand during the walk. He loved being with her as he loves her and always will.

He told her how much he loves her and he couldn't wait to be a dad.

Rosalie thought to herself "how am I supposed to be a mom?"

Lucas knew that Rosalie was deep in thought about something. He told Rosalie that he was never going to leave her. Rosalie told Lucas that she was never going to leave him and that she loves him. She was going to love him no matter what.

Rosalie and Lucas were just enjoying their honeymoon together. They talked and laughed together. Rosalie thought that Lucas was funny as he had a good sense of humor.

Meanwhile, Jasmine, Nicole and Casey are doing things as friends and exploring. They told stories and talked about the future. After talking the girls had dinner and then went to take showers before getting ready to watch some tv before bed.

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