Chapter 8

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Jasmine was getting ready to fly to Germany to be with her friends Rosalie, Nicole, and Casey so she grabbed her things and got her plane ticket and went to the airport to fly to Germany where her friends are at. Jasmine had missed her friends so much especially Casey as they were close almost like sisters but from different mothers. Jasmine got on the plane and flew from Nashville to Berlin Germany. Once the plane landed in Berlin Germany Jasmine then got off the plane and went to grab her luggage from the claiming area. Jasmine then texted Casey to let her know she has landed in Berlin Germany. Casey texted Jasmine back saying I missed you so much. Jasmine then drove to the hotel where Rosalie is staying and got in a hotel room with Rosalie since Casey and Kayla were in the next hotel room. Jasmine was happy to be back with her friends as she really missed them while she was in the United States taking care of her boyfriend who has recovered. Casey gave Jasmine a big hug to welcome her back. Jasmine hugged her back and they talked.

Casey asked, "How is your boyfriend feeling?"

Jasmine said, "He is feeling much better now."

Casey said "That is good news to my ears. Did they find out what was wrong with him?"

Jasmine said, "The doctor said" He had the flu and he should be fine now he has his mum there with him."

Casey replied, "That is good that she is there with him Jasmine."

Jasmine said, "Yeah it is Casey it's one less thing for me to worry about til I'm back in the United States with him."

Casey said "I'm glad you are back Jasmine. I really missed you."

Jasmine was in the hotel room talking to Rosalie, Casey, and Kayla when she started yawning as she was tired from her flight. Jasmine then hopped into the shower before getting ready for bed. After Jasmine was finished with her shower, she got a text message from her boyfriend's mum asking if she has seen her son. Jasmine texted I have not seen him since we took him to the doctor.

Keith's mum said, "if you hear from him let me know as I'm worried about him Jasmine."

Jasmine said," I will let you know for sure when I hear from him."

Jasmine kept thinking where he could be that he is making his mum worried about him.

His mum said, "I'll started looking around and see if Sunday and Faith know where he might be."

Jasmine started texting Keith asking where he was at. Keith heard his phone ping telling him there is a message. Keith ignored his phone and was paying attention to Emily. Emily was not feeling well and needed to go the doctor, so Keith took her. Keith took Emily to the doctor for a checkup and Emily was quite nervous.

Keith said, "I can hold your hand Emily if you want me to."

Emily said," I would love that thanks."

Keith grabs Emily's hand and holds it. She holds out her hand and he grab it and holds it in his.

Keith said," You can squeeze my hand Emily if you get scared."

Emily squeezes Keith's hand as she feared what might be wrong and she is afraid that Keith might leave her if she is pregnant with a baby. Keith kept thinking to himself wondering what Emily was thinking. Emily thought I do not think Keith would leave me would he. Keith was singing to Emily one of his songs to try to calm and relax her. Emily was starting to relax at the sound of Keith singing to her as she loved his voice when he sings to her. Twenty minutes later the nurse calls Emily's name and she gets up and she checks Emily's vitals before taking her to an exam room. Once Emily is in an exam room the nurse tells her that the doctor will be with her in a few minutes. Keith helps Emily up onto the exam table that is in the room. Emily was a little shaken as she was scared but she has Keith to help her. Keith told her I am not going to leave you Emily you do not have to worry about a thing. Emily told him thanks I know you will not leave me no matter what.

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