Chapter 33 :Casey 2

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After looking at her beautiful and amazing wife, Casey spun her around and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. Kayla blushed as she was given a kiss from her wife Casey. They talked about things as parents would talk about. They talked about their daughters and ways to be good moms to them.

"Amelia and Brittany both want their ponies for Christmas," Casey told Kayla.

"What shall we do?" Kayla asked Casey.

"I think we should look for a pony for each of them," Casey replied to Kayla.

"Sounds good to me."

"We should start looking online to see if there are any for sale."

"Sounds good to me."

So both Casey and Kayla grabbed their laptops and started looking online for ponies for sale. The first pony they found was a Welsh pony named Summer's Breeze. She was a bay with a star on her face. Casey read the information about the pony and found it was an option for one of the girls. The next pony was a Connemara pony and she was red roan color. She was so beautiful that I think I will get her for my other daughter.

So Casey and Kayla went to look at the ponies that they saw online and filled out any papers. Once they got the papers and paid for them, it was time to take them home. Once they got to their new home, they got the two ponies in their barn and put bows and ribbons in the mane.

It was Christmas Eve and the girls were all excited as they wanted to go look at lights. While out looking at lights, Kayla asked Casey a question.

"Do you think the girls will love the presents that we got them?"

"I think so. They will for sure."

"I love you, Kayla."

"Love you too Casey."

Casey and Kayla kissed under the moonlight with the stars shining. The night was peaceful and calm as there wasn't a sound in sight. Once they were back home, they put the two little girls to bed before starting to wrap presents. Kayla was wrapping and so was Casey. They were having a ball at wrapping gifts to put under the tree. The tree was quite a good size it was 6 feet tall and all decorated with lots of ornaments and garland.

After they were done it was time for some hot chocolate and to sit by the fireplace. Casey wrapped her arms around Kayla and kissed her. She was giving her the VIP treatment as she is very important in her life. Kayla thought the same of Casey as they looked back on their wedding day. It was a beautiful ceremony that they had on their big day. A lot of her family and friends were there and some of her cousins were as well. They were the most beautiful brides on their wedding day as everyone cried happy tears for them and gave them well wishes. The honeymoon was one to remember for them as that was their favorite place.

They hoped to one day take Amelia and Brittany there so they could see it.

"Shall we go to bed, my love?" Casey asked.

"Yes, we shall," Kayla replied.

So they went to their bedroom and got in bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Casey got up to make some tea and some coffee for Kayla. After making some tea she put the coffee maker on for Kayla before making breakfast for everyone which was going to be Pancakes. She also gets the kids drinks as well and starts setting the table. She gets out the plates, Forks, and napkins and puts them on the table. After setting the table she puts pancakes on everyone's plate before going to wake them up to eat.

"Time to wake up Amelia and Brittany," Casey called out.

The two girls got out of bed and headed downstairs. Then Casey went to wake up her wife Kayla and she said, "Time to get up my love."

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