Chapter 10

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It was a dark and stormy night and Casey could not sleep so she got out of bed and went to the fridge to get her some milk. Casey went to sit down with her glass of milk and waited to see if that would help her to fall asleep. Kayla was sleeping and was crying in her sleep, so Rosalie got up and went to check on Kayla.

Rosalie said, "what is wrong Kayla?"

Kayla said, "I think I had a bad dream." She told Rosalie.

Rosalie asked, "What was the dream about?" She asked Kayla.

Kayla said, "It was about Casey and something bad happened to her."

Rosalie said, "It's okay Kayla, Casey is okay and nothing bad is going to happen to her."

Kayla said, "I hope you are right Rosalie because I would hate to lose her."

Rosalie said, "You are not going to lose her I promise."

Kayla responded, "I know I am not going to lose her."

The storm went away, and it was not stormy anymore. A few hours later, the girls got up and made breakfast for the day.

Jasmine said, "What would you all like to do today?"

Kayla spoke, "I would like to see Mount Etna." She told Jasmine.

Rosalie said, "I would like to see Amalfi Coast as that is supposed to be very beautiful."

Casey replied, "would love to see the Isle of Capri and get in one of the hot springs."

Nicole and Jasmine would love to see all of those.

Jasmine said, "We can head out after breakfast."

The girls got excited and so after breakfast they got a little backpack to carry with them. Jasmine was getting dressed in her pink top and some capri's she had brought with her. The girls were all dressed and ready to go and so, they were on their way to the Amalfi Coast first which is about three hours and half from the hotel.

Three hours and half later, they arrived on the Amalfi Coast and the girls went to explore a bit. They wanted to see the paths of Gods, so they did. After that Jasmine gets a text from Antonio and she texts him back.

Nicole stated, "Is everything okay?" She asked Jasmine.

Jasmine answered, "I think so Nicole."

Nicole spoke, "Just let me know if there is anything you need to talk about."

Jasmine said, "Thanks and I will."

Casey held Kayla's hand as she was a little bit scared and just gave her some comfort. Rosalie looked at Kayla at how scared she is and went beside her and held her hand as well. Jasmine noticed that Casey was shaking, and she did not know why. Nicole looked at Casey and knew she was not well so she told Jasmine that we should let her stay in the van, and we can have Rosalie stay with Casey.

Jasmine thought, "once we get back to our hotel, we can let Casey sleep."

Rosalie said, "sounds good to me and I can have Kayla stay with her."

Jasmine drops Casey and Kayla off the hotel in Rome so Casey could get some rest.

After dropping them off, Jasmine, Nicole and Rosalie continued exploring around.

Rosalie gulped, "I hope Casey feels better soon as I'm worried about her."

Jasmine said, "we can see how she feels in a few days and if she does not feel better then we can take her to a doctor."

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