Chapter 18

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After talking for a while, Jasmine felt better that she got that off her chest. Nicole gave her a hug. They continued to explore for a while. Jasmine didn't want Antonio to find out about Luke. Nicole hoped that Reginald would ask her to marry her soon. The girls were ready to eat dinner. Rosalie had ordered some takeout. Once the food had got to their hotel room, the girls began to eat.

Casey had felt her baby kick for the first time.

"Can I feel your belly?" Rosalie asked Casey.

"Yeah, you can feel my belly Rosalie." Casey said.

Rosalie takes her hand and puts it on Casey's belly and she feels the baby kick. Rosalie couldn't believe that Casey was growing a little human inside her. She was happy for her nonetheless.

After dinner the girls all showered and got their jammies on and watched a movie or two. After watching the movies they fell asleep.

The sun was up at the crack of dawn and the birds were chirping. The girls all woke up and got dressed before getting some breakfast in the lobby. After getting dressed, they went to the hotel lobby for breakfast. The girls each picked out their breakfast and sat at the table. They decided to go exploring and sightseeing.

Jasmine,Casey and Nicole were looking around together while Rosalie went alone. They went to see some shops. Rosalie went to the Palace to take some pictures. After walking around, she spots a beautiful woman that catches her eyes. The beautiful woman looks over towards the girl who was looking at her. The girl walks over to her and introduces herself.

"Hi, my name is Minsha." She said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Rosalie." She said.

"That's a beautiful name. So what brings you here to India?" She asked.

"Well I am just with some friends and trying to explore the world." She spoke.

"That is good. What do you think of India so far?" She asked.

"It's different and unique, that's for sure. Can you give me a tour?" she asked Minsha.

"I would love to give you a tour of some of my favorite spots." Minsha spoke.

Rosalie followed Minsha around to her favorite spots in India and were talking and getting to know each other. Rosalie told Minsha that she wanted to adopt a child from India. Minsha told her that the kids here really need help as they struggle here. Rosalie told her that is why I want to adopt. Minsha showed her the gardens and how pretty they were. Rosalie listened as her new friend Minsha showed her around.

"So what is your favorite color, Minsha?" she asked.

"Mine is Purple. What about you?" She asked.

"I love purple and Teal." She said.

"Wow, we have something in common." she spoke.

"Yeah we do. So do you like living here in India?" she asked Minsha.

"It's really hard to live here. It's not the greatest place to live." Minsha spoke.

"Where would you like to live if you had the chance?" Rosalie asked.

"Probably Switzerland or Australia." Minsha spoke.

"Those are some good places. I still haven't decided yet." She said.

"Well it's just best to take your time and not rush." Minsha said.

"Yeah, very true. Lucas and I are not rushing as we are just taking our time in our relationship." Rosalie said.

So Minsha and Rosalie walked and talked about life. Rosalie wondered about how she and Lucas were going to adopt a child.

"So what do you like to do for hobbies?" Minsha asked.

"I love swimming,dancing and riding horses. What about you?" She asked.

"I love cooking,singing and photography." Minsha spoke.

Rosalie and Minsha were still walking around and seeing all the sights. They were having a great time looking at the cool places. Minsha talked to Rosalie as they walked and were enjoying the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Jasmine,Nicole and Casey were exploring as well. Casey felt her baby kick again. Jasmine smiled at Casey and couldn't believe she was getting married soon in Australia.

"Are you excited to be a mom Casey?" Jasmine asked.

"I'm very excited and nervous at the same time. But I know Kayla will be with me." Casey said.

"That is good, you two will be great mothers." Jasmine said.

"Thanks Jasmine, that really means a lot to me that you said that." Casey said.

"No problem Casey. Anytime you need anything you know where I am and you know my number." Jasmine said.

"Yeah, So how are you and Antonio doing?" Casey asked.

"We are doing good. He hasn't proposed to me yet." Jasmine said.

"Well, maybe he is finding the perfect place and spot to propose to you." Casey said.

"Maybe, who knows but I just love him." Jasmine said.

"True, Have you talked to Kayla lately?" Nicole asked.

"I have talked to Kayla." Casey said.

"How is she doing?" Jasmine asked.

"She is doing well, She is just getting the baby nursery ready." Casey said.

"That is good. Did she show you any pictures?" Jasmine said.

"Yeah she did and she did an amazing job in the nursery." Casey said.

"I bet! Kayla is an awesome person." Jasmine spoke.

"She totally is and I love her for that. Even though we have our ups and downs, she still loves me." Casey said.

"Well,that is because you two make a great team and a cute couple." Jasmine said.

"Thank you Jasmine. That means alot to me since you are my best friend." Casey said.

"You're welcome Casey. So what do you want to do now?" Jasmine asked.

"I don't know Jasmine but maybe something relaxing." Casey said.

"I agree with Casey on that one. Let's find something relaxing to do." Nicole said.

"I think we could find a spa around here." Jasmine said.

"Yeah, Let's go there then. I need to rest my feet for a bit and soak them." Casey said.

"Okay,we will find a spa to go to." Jasmine said.

They looked around for a spa and found one close by.

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