Chapter 6

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 Casey and Kayla are just on their way to meet with Nicole and Rosalie to start going to the next place on the map. They had decided that Germany would be the next stop on the trip around the world.

Kayla says," I've been to Germany and I'll be happy to show you all round."

Nicole and Rosalie do not mind Casey's girlfriend Kayla joining and hoped that she would get along together as a group until Jasmine got back. Nicole had called Jasmine to check in on her and her boyfriend.

Jasmine replied he is doing a bit better, but they want to keep a close eye on him for a few days to see how he feels and if the medicine is working.

Nicole said, " sounds good Jasmine just keep us posted on him."

Jasmine says, " will do Nicole as soon as I know more I'll let you know."

Kayla says," where in Germany shall we go?"

Nicole says, " I don't know but wherever you think is best we will go."

Kayla says, "okay let's get in the car and start driving to Germany since it's not far from where we currently are."

Casey sits next to Kayla while Nicole and Rosalie sit in the back seat of Kayla's car. Casey had put some music on so they would have some music to listen to while they were on the road. They really are enjoying themselves a lot on the road and are learning so much and love taking pictures of the things they see. Casey and Kayla both loved traveling together and hoped that this would be a part of their lives as a couple when they are married in the future when they have kids of their own.

Jasmine asked, "How are you feeling baby?"

Keith responds "I'm still not feeling well babe"

Jasmine goes and gets Keith his medicine so she gets him a drink so he can take it. Keith then takes his meds and then after taking them he lays down and cuddles with Jasmine for a while till he feels better. After a while Jasmine and Keith wake up from their nap and Jasmine goes and makes him some food to try to get him to eat. She makes him his favorite food which is Sushi. Keith then comes to sit at the table and waits to eat. He turns on the TV to keep his mind busy while waiting for his food. Jasmine and Keith both eat together as they were both hungry and they enjoyed each other's company. Rosalie and Nicole were talking as it was a beautiful day today.

Kayla says, "Casey do you think we could explore Germany together?"

Casey replied, "Yes we can Kayla."

Rosalie says, "I hope I meet someone in Germany."

Casey says, "I hope so Rosalie maybe someone will ask you out on a date or two who knows."

Nicole then texts Reginald and tells him that she misses him and that she cannot wait to see him again. Kayla and the 3 girls then arrived in Germany. Kayla then found the best hotel for the girls to stay at. Casey had texted Jasmine and gave her an update on where she was at. Jasmine texted Casey back and answered have fun Casey with Kayla okay.

Casey responded, "I will Jasmine I miss you since you're my best friend."

Jasmine whispered I know Casey I miss you as well and I am planning on taking Keith to the doctor today.

Casey says "Good luck Jasmine you might need it."

Kayla then gets a hotel room for her and the other 3 girls. After getting the room they got their room keys and started to unload the car and bring their suitcases to their room. After bringing the suitcases to the room they each picked a bed to sleep in. Kayla and Casey would sleep in a bed together while Nicole and Rosalie sleep in separate beds.

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