Excalibur: Magic Weakness

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Hello, my Merlin fans, I am back! I know it has been forever.

I've been trying to write as much as I can. I am so sorry for not updating quickly. My family and work have been keeping me busy. They are my top priority. Plus, I have been distracted with YouTube and TikTok.

I hope you have patience with me and continue to read and review my stories. It means a lot to me. Anyways, here is the next part to the next episode "Excalibur." Do you think Sam will save Sir Owain? Sir Pellinor?  Read and find out!

Also, I do not own anything except my OCs Sam, Josh, and Courtney.


Morgana and Gwen nervously entered Arthur's chambers to see how he was doing and saw the crowned Prince of Camelot pacing back and forth with a fury that could tunnel through the stone floor.

Morgana took a deep breath and asked, "Arthur, can we talk about this? I know you are upset-"

"Upset? I am beyond upset, Morgana! I am furious! He shouldn't have picked up the gauntlet," yelled Arthur.

Morgana glared at him for interrupting her and replied, "You are the crowned Prince of Camelot, Arthur! Put an end to it."

Arthur dismissed the idea as he replied, "The challenge has been taken up. The fight cannot be stopped."

"Then fight in his place," Morgana said as she took a step closer in the hopes of remedying the dangerous situation.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Morgana challenged.

Arthur turned to Morgana as he was trying to explain like he was speaking to a child. "Owain picked up the gauntlet. Owain is the one who must fight. That's the Knight's Code." Arthur paused as the guilt and fear for his loyal knight tried to take over his voice, but he refused to let it. "He knew that."

Morgana looked shocked as Arthur was about to leave the room. How could he not stop it all and save the bloodshed? "But it's a fight to the death!"

Arthur stopped for a moment before saying the two haunting words the confirmed Morgana's fear. "I know."

Sam's POV

I walked down the castle's hallways and hoisted a huge basket of wildflowers in my arms. I wanted to surprise Merlin and Gaius with a beautiful bouquet for our chambers, but in truth, that was my cover. I had chosen to fill the basket with as many wildflowers as I could pick in order to enact my plan to save Sir Owain. I turned the corner and accidently bumped into someone so hard that I dropped the basket, forcing the flowers to fall across the stone floor. Only it wasn't an accident.

I looked up at Gwen and said, "Oh no! I am so sorry, Gwen."

She giggled and bent down to help me gather the flowers. "It's alright, Sam. I didn't see you either."

I looked down to see that our collision had made Gwen drop Morgana's token for Sir Owain. I almost couldn't conceal my smile at the sight of the red cloth. It was why I had planned to bump into Gwen with a petal-filled distraction. Such a token bestowed to a lady's champion was the perfect conduit for my protection spell. I quickly snatched the strip of cloth and whispered my incantation into its thread.

When all the flowers were picked up, I unraveled it from my grasp and saw the magic had seeped into the red seams. Now, once Sir Owain wore it for battle, instead of being killing by the Black Knight, the spell would take effect and put him into an unconscious state. Very Sleeping Beauty, except instead of a spinning needle, it would be a sword. And instead of a kiss, Sir Owain would wake up on his own within a day. I was very proud of myself for finding the magic to pull this off. I could change the episode and save a life. Plus, I could prove to that overgrown lizard that I could save everyone!

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