Valiant: Dragon Say What Now!?

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Hey everyone, here's the next chapter! I want to make a dedication to this chapter for seasidewriter1 for helping me so much with this chapter and being an awesome friend. Check out her stories.

I hope you like this chapter. So please, great reviews would be awesome and don't forget to look on my polyvore to see what my OC Sam is wearing in the chap.

Also, I don't own anything except my OC Sam. Enjoy the chapter.

Merlin and I kept on walking back to Gaius's room. When we reached the door and entered our room Merlin grabbed my arm and pulled me into him.

"Are you out of your mind!?"

I rolled my eyes before saying, "What! He was asking for it."

Merlin, who still had a strong grip on my arm, looked at me like I was crazy. "He's the prince. I don't want you to be sent to the dungeon or worse."

I smirked at him and said, "Well, I'm not am I? Just be happy I didn't turn him into a toad."

Merlin looked at me curiously before slowly starting to laugh. I couldn't help but laugh also. We were laughing so hard that Gaius came to our door. We immediately stopped laughing and he gave us a questionable look.

"What is going on here," he asked.

Merlin and I looked at each other before saying, "Nothing."

Gaius looked at us very suspiciously before leaving the room. Merlin and I smiled at each other before giggling again.

Later that night, when we were in our beds asleep, I woke up from my bed to see Merlin was still asleep. I tiptoed out from my bed to his so I could wake him up. I knew we had to see the dragon again. I tried to wake him up but he was sound asleep. I shook his body to awaken him, when his hand slapped me in the face. I was shocked and appalled when he did that. I decided I should go myself since Merlin was not waking up at all.

I grabbed my black cape, put on my flats, and exited our room. I tiptoed past Gaius, making sure I wouldn't hit the table again. I opened the door and very quietly exited the room.

As I walked down the halls, I realized in the T.V. show, Merlin was supposed to be in my place, not me. I thought about going back, but before I turned around, I heard something calling to me. I knew it was the dragon calling my name.

When I reached the dungeons, I was lucky to see that the guards were not there. I picked up a torch and walked down the stairs. I looked up to see I was in the caves again.

"Hey, where are you? I know you can hear me and I know you're there. I need some answers about this destiny thing. Please just help me." I waited for a minute but he did not come out of the shadows. "Fine! Whatever."

I turned to leave when I heard flapping of wings. I looked back to see the dragon flying to the rock.

"If only it were so easy to escape one's destiny."

"Look, Arthur hates Merlin and me. He just fired us when we were trying to tell him the truth," I explained.

The dragon smiled at me as he said, "A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole. Very soon you both shall learn that. However, there is something else on your mind, isn't there Samantha Welsh."

My eyes widen when I heard him say my last name. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I know who you are Samantha. A girl from a different world who made a wish to be loved. You've dreamed of being in the show called Merlin and now you are in it."

I was still in shock when I heard him. "How do you know all this?"

"Who do you think brought you here, young witch?"

I looked at him as he continually smiled at me. I smiled a little as realization hit me. "It was you wasn't it? Why did you bring me here?"

The dragon smiled at me before answering, "You have a gift Samantha, a gift of knowledge of the show. You have the power to save those who are the brink of death and those who made the wrong path. That's why I've chosen you to come to this world."

I sighed as I looked down and was feeling guilty.

"I didn't save Sir Ewan. He still died from the snake from the shield," I said grimly.

The dragon looked at me sadly before saying, "Sometimes you might not save everyone Samantha."

I knew he was going to say that. I just wish I'd remembered the part when Sir Ewan was killed in the episode. That's when a question clicked into my head.

"What about my memory of the show? I feel like I'm forgetting a lot of important parts I've watched from the TV show."

"You are beginning to forget because you my witch have to learn how to react and deal with what happens without knowing what's coming next," said the dragon in a stern voice.

I looked at him all confused. WHAT... THE HELL... DOES THAT MEAN!

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you are talking about?"

The dragon smirked, or I think it's a smirk, at me and said, "You will understand in due time Samantha. However, you might not want to tell Merlin about your real life until the moment is right to tell him the truth."

"How will I know when it's the right time?"

"You'll figure that out. Also, you and Merlin must remember that both of yours and Arthur's path lies together are but the truth."

"Wait, what is that supposed to mean," I asked him.

"You will know, young witch. This is not the end. It is the beginning."

"Yeah, but what..." Before I could ask him my question, he opened up his wings and started to fly away. "Wait, come back! Just give me a straight answer!"

However, he didn't answer me or turn back. I sighed with frustration as I left the dungeon. I kept on thinking about what the dragon had said. I still have a lot of questions to ask him. Question like; will I ever get back to my world? Did time stop in my world or is it still going? Does my... does my family miss me?

I guess I can get my answers later, but now I have to figure out how to stop Valiant from killing Arthur. Great, now what am I going to do?

And there you have it. Again, please  vote and review!  Until next time.


My Magical Wish (Merlin) (On Going)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang