The Gates of Avalon: Mysterious Girl

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Hello, my Merlin fans, I am back! I know it has been forever.

I am sorry that I did not update. I have been very busy for the past couple of months. I am back working, studying for my exam, and spending time with my family. Again, the next chapter will take some time because of life and my next update is my "Red Rose Nightmare" story. Please be patient with me.

I want to thank everyone who helped/advised me with this chapter. I really appreciate all the help.

Also, please check out my Twitter page, my YouTube channel, and my Polypore page to see posters and what clothes Brie is wearing in each chapter. Anyways, do not forget to favorite, follow, review, and enjoy this chapter.

Also, I do not own anything except my OC Sam.

Sam's POV

"Let me get this straight. You and Arthur are going into the dark forest for a couple of hours to chase and kill precious animals because to Arthur it is a sport and it'"

Merlin chuckled as I helped him carry the supplies to the horses. It's been a few days since the last episode and it was nice to relax for a bit. Merlin and for some reason Arthur have been keeping a close eye on me. Arthur even got a little bit weird when the knights talked to me. It was starting to irritate me on how protective and annoying they can be.

Merlin looked at me as he replied, "Apparently so." His smiled dropped when he saw my disappointment. After he placed one of the crossbows in the bag, he grabbed my shoulder and rubbed it to comfort me. "Don't worry Sam. I promise he won't kill a lot of animals. He won't even get near any deer named... what did you call one?"

I giggled as I answered, "Bambi."

"I promise Bambi and his mother won't be killed."

Oh Merlin, if only you watched the Disney movie. The scene when they killed Bambi's Mother still gets to me... spoiler alert! I was grateful my brother knew how I felt. I knew we needed animals for food. However, I did not like killing animals for fun or a sport.

As I tightened the saddle, I said to my brother, "Just promise me you both will be ok. I just have a feeling that something bad will happen soon."

Merlin looked at me and whispered, "Is your magic telling you something?"

Before I could open my mouth, a very commanding and annoying voice called out, "Merlin, will you stop gossiping like a girl and hurry up! We are running out of daylight!"

I rolled my eyes before I turned around to see the annoying prince walking towards us with some arrows.

As he pushed the arrows into my brothers arms, he smirked at me and asked, "Come to wish me luck today Sam?"

I smirked back as I replied, "No Arthur, I am wishing the animals luck from seeing your hideous face."

Merlin nearly dropped the arrows as he covered his mouth from laughing. Arthur's smile dropped instantly before he marched to his horse and called out, "Hurry up Merlin."

As both boys mounted their horses, Arthur looked at me once more. My heart skipped a beat as he smiled, not smirked, but smiled at me. Seriously, what is his deal? One day he is a prick and next he is carming.

"When we get back, I expect to hear that you did your chores. We don't want you to slack off that your brother and being a lazy girl. You do know how to work since cleaning and cooking are women things to do, right Samantha?"

I scoffed and cross my arms over my chest. Oh hell to the no! Nope, he is back being a prick. I should have know he would never change.

I turned my head and murmured, "That stupid, no good, despicable, son of a-"

"Excuse me? What did you call me?"

I cridged when I realized Arthur heard me. I placed a fake smile and replied, "I hope you enjoy your hunt, your highness."

He nodded his head and started to gallop his horse. Merlin looked at me and said, "I'll keep an eye on the prat."

I laughed at my brother's joke. Merlin smiled knowing he cheered me up. I smiled as I watched the two rode into the forest. As they disappeared from my sight, a bad feeling came to me. I grabbed my necklace around my neck and started to fidgeted with it, a bad habit of mine. Why do I have a feeling that today is the start of the next episode and it is not going to be a good one?

It's been a couple of hours since the boys left. After I finished my chores in the gardens, I decided to spend time with Morgana. As we walked through the corridors, I could tell something was on her mind.

"Morgana, are you all right? Your face is white," I said concern.

She looked at me and had a weak smile. "It's nothing Sam. I just had a nightmare last night and it haunts me."

"Have you talked to Gaius? Maybe he can help you."

Morgana sighed before grabbing my hand. She looked me into my eyes and said, "Thank you for worrying about me. It's silly to be worrying over some silly dream."

Before I could say anything, I looked over to see Merlin escorting someone to one of the guest rooms. He handed her a blanket and said, "If you need anything, just let me know."

As the girl's eyes landed into mine, my heart stopped and I could not breathe. The guest was Sophia. Now I knew why I felt so uneasy today. We are in the episode 'The Gates of Avalon.' Sophia and her Dad are here to kill Arthur! Plus, she was going to place a spell on Arthur to make him fall in love with her. Morgana must have sense my discomfort for she too looked at Sophia. She gasped when she recognized the girl. Sophia smiled at us, before walking into her room. Morgana released my hand and ran up to Merlin.

"Who is that?" she asked my brother anxiously.

I slowly approached them as Merlin said, "Er, Sophia Tír-Mòr. We rescued her in the woods... Well, Arthur did most of the rescuing-"

"She can't stay here."

Merlin and Morgana looked at me. I realized I stole Morgana's line as I immediately grabbed my necklace. Both Morgana and Merlin looked at me questionly as I explained, "I just... I have a bad vibe around her."

Merlin looked at me as he said, "The King said that she and her father are welcome in Camelot." Morgana looked down at her shoes. Merlin touched her shoulder and asked, "Is everything ok?"

She had a fake smile as replied, "Yes. Thank you." She turned to me and said, "I think I will talk to Gaius. We can have our walk later Samantha."

I nodded my head. Morgana sighed and walked to the Physician's Chambers. Merlin grabbed my hand and led me away from the guest room. I looked back and glared at the door. There has to be a way to stop or change this episode without getting Merlin in trouble of having Arthur drown to death.

And there you have it, another chapter done. Oh no, looks like Sophia and her Father is here! Will Sam save Arthur? Will she follow the episode or change it? What do you all think?

Again, the next chapter will take some time so please have patience with me. The next update will be my "Red Rose Nightmare" story and then I will be back with "My Magical Wish." Do not forget to favorite, follow, review, and until then...


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