Valiant: Will You Just Listen To Me!

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Hey everyone, here is the next chapter as promised! I do hope you like this one because it's one of my favorites to write. Sam's outfits are on my Polyvore page if you want to look. Don't forget to vote, review my story please and enjoy the chapter. I do not own anything except for Sam.

The next day, I was helping Gaius with sorting out the medicines. Merlin was running some errands for Gaius. As I was about to put one of the medicines away, Merlin comes running in the room with a wheel barrel and a dog statue sitting in the barrel. I secretly smiled as I realized Merlin and Gwen already had their talk and Merlin figured out what he should do when he saw the dog statue. Gaius looked up from his book to see Merlin.

"What are you doing with that," Gaius asked Merlin.

"I'm going to let everyone see the snakes for themselves. Sam, I'm going to need your help," Merlin called out.

I immediately stopped what I was doing and ran after Merlin to our room. As Merlin put the statue in our chamber, I pulled out the magic book from under a floor board and handed it to him. Merlin turned the pages before finding the spell.

He looked at the spell before looking at the statue and said, "Bebay odothay arisan quickum. Bebay odothay arisan quickum."

We looked at the statue... and nothing happened.

"And I'm guessing it didn't work. Did you say it right," I asked him

"I believe so... let's try it again, but do it with me."

I nodded my head, grabbed his hand and we both recited the spell again.

"Bebay odothay arisan quickum. Bebay odothay arisan quickum."

And... still nothing. This could take a while.


"Bebay odothay arisan quickum. Bebay odothay arisan quickum."

Again... NOTHING!

"Ok this is getting ridiculous," I said as I let go of his hand. I was getting REALLY frustrated.

"One more time," Merlin pleaded. He was getting tired because there were some circles starting to show up under his eyes.

"Merlin, this is the 112th time we have done this and it's already night out. The match is tomorrow and we still have a stone dog."

"Well we got to keep trying Sam."

"I know that, but the more this spell doesn't work, the more time flies by and Arthur's battle match will start," I said.

"How about this, I'll continue try the spell and you try to convince Arthur to drop out."

My eyes widen when I heard what he had just said. "Wait, why me."

"Because he'll listen to you."

I looked at him like he walked right into a brick wall. No, there is no way I'm going to talk to that stupid-head. "Merlin, I don't think he'll listen to me. And do you want to know why? Oh that's right, I SLAPPED THAT ROYAL PRAT IN THE FACE!"

"Just try and make him change his mind," Merlin said as he grabbed my hands. I looked up into his eyes and I felt like I couldn't say no to him. I groaned with frustration before giving in.

"Ok fine, but you owe me big time."

Merlin smiled at me before he kissed my forehead and walked back to the statue. I sighed as I walked out of our room and headed to Arthur's chambers. As I walked down the hall, there was one thing that kept on replaying in my head. It was when Valiant nearly raped me in the Armory Room. I knew I had to tell Arthur about that, but would he believe me? I suddenly stopped when I realized I was standing in front of Arthur's doors. I was so nervous for some reason. My hands were shaking, my head was sweating, and my stomach felt like I had butterflies in them. I took a deep breath before I opened the door and walked into the chambers.

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