The Dragon's Call: One Big Lizard

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Hey everyone, here is the next chapter and we meet a familiar dragon! Please vote, review and enjoy the chapter.

Remember I do not own anything except for my OC Sam.

"Merlin. Samantha."

My eyes opened wide when I heard someone calling Merlin and I. I sat up in bed to see Merlin's up too.

"Did you hear that," I whispered to him.

"Yeah, at least I know I'm not crazy," he whispered back.

We got out of our bed and opened the door. We looked in the room to see Gaius asleep on his bed. We started tiptoeing until I accidently hit the leg of the table with my foot. Merlin clapped his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream for hurting my toe. Gaius shifted around but fell back to sleep. Merlin and I relaxed.

"Don't make anymore noises. We don't want to wake up Gaius," he whispered in my ear.

I shook my head and he let go of my mouth. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the room without disturbing Gaius. We were crossing the Square when we heard again, "Merlin. Samantha."

We were about to enter a narrow Wrought Iron Stairway when Merlin grabbed my arm and pushed me close to him.

"What the heck is your problem," I thought to him.

"There are guards right there. Do you want to get caught Sam," he thought back.

Oh yeah, I'm so stupid I forgot that part. We looked back to see two guards playing a game with some dices.

"Let's do this," I thought to Merlin.

"Let me take care of this," he thought to me.

"But I want to try," I thought to him. Merlin gave me a look and I sighed in defeat. I also knew that if I did it wrong, then we will never met the Dragon. I smiled at him and thought, "Fine, do your thing Merlin."

Merlin looked back at the guards and his eyes started to glow gold. I looked at the guards to see their dices move away from them like the wind blew them away. One of the guards got up from his chair and bent down to grab the dices. Again the dices moved away from him. A few minutes later, both of the guards were long one chasing after the dices.

"They're going to take a long time to get them back. How long is that going to be," I asked.

"Until we are back to our room," answered Merlin.

We left our hiding spot and entered into a dark tunnel. Merlin grabbed a torch, light it, and we headed down the Tunnel Stairway. Merlin grabbed my hand so I wouldn't slip or get lost. I smiled at him and he smiled back. We entered into the entrance of the Dragon's cave. It was much bigger in seeing it for real and not on your TV. I looked down on the edge of the cliff to see how steep it was. And let me tell you, it was very steep. I looked to see Merlin was looking for the owner of the voice.

"Where are you," he called out.

There was silence for a while and I said to Merlin even though I knew the Dragon was there, "Maybe he's not here."

We turned to leave when we saw the Great Dragon flied to land in front of us. Merlin arm was around my waist so I wouldn't fall off of the cliff. The Dragon was HUGE! I was a little bit scared. I looked at Merlin to see him scared and in awe with the Dragon.

"I'm here. How small you both are for such a great destiny," said the Dragon.

"Why? What do you mean? What destiny," asked Merlin.

"Your gift, Merlin and Samantha, was given to you for a reason," the Dragon answered.

"So there is a reason," Merlin said.

Now I was confused. Merlin and I were in this destiny together? "Wait, both of us? We both are in this destiny?"

"Yes Samantha, you are part of this destiny just like Merlin. Arthur is the Once and Future King who will unite the land of Albion," he said.

I couldn't but snorted at that comment. "Yeah right."

"But he faces many threats from friend and foe alike."

"I don't see what this has to do with us," said Merlin.

"Everything. Without you both, Arthur will never succeed. Without you, there will be no Albion," the Dragon said,

"No. No, you've got this wrong," said Merlin.

"I'm sorry to say but I agree with Merlin. You have got this wrong," I said.

The Dragon looked right at me and said, "There is no right or wrong Samantha, only what is and what isn't."

"But I'm serious! If anyone wants to go and kill him, they can go ahead. In fact, I'll give them a hand," said Merlin.

"A little harsh, don't you think," I whispered to him.

"Maybe a little," he whispered back.

The Dragon laughed and said, "None of us can choose our destiny, Merlin, and none of us can escape it."

"No. No way. No. No. There must be another Arthur because this one's an idiot."

"He's also a sexist pig," I said.

"Perhaps it's your destiny to change that. You need to have faith in yourself Samantha, or you'll never figure out who you truly are," said the Dragon. Say what?

After that, the Dragon spread his wings and flew off. We were trying to get him to come back.

"Wait! Wait! Wait, stop! No, we need to know more," yelled Merlin.

"What do you mean by that? Please come back," I screamed but it was already too late. "Thanks for nothing," I screamed.

Merlin grabbed hand and we exited out of the tunnel. Luckily the guards were still chasing the dices.

"Merlin, what do you think about this destiny? Or that fact he said about my faith? I'm so confused," I said.

He gave a side hug and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry about it Sam. We'll figure it out together."

I sighed and we enter back to our room without waking up Gaius. As I was about to fall asleep, I couldn't wait until tomorrow for the party. This is going to be great. Merlin, you don't know what is going to happen next, but I garneted you will not regret it... maybe a little bit. After that I fell fast asleep.

There you guys go. I hope you like it. The next chapter is the party scene. If you have any advice or comments, that would be great. But please remember to vote and review. Until then...


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