Valiant: I Believe You

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Hey everyone, I apologize that this is a short chapter, but I wanted to get this posted for you so you wouldn't have to wait. I promise the next chapter will be better. Anyway, enough of me talking, enjoy this chapter. I do not own anything except for Sam.

Merlin and I ran down the hall to find Arthur and fast. In Merlin's hand was the snake's head that I chopped off. I was still shaken by that whole experience. I mean hello, A FRICKEN SNAKE ALMOST ATTACKED ME! And you wonder why I hate snakes. We finally reached Arthur's chambers and barged right into his room. Arthur was looking at some documents when we ran right into his chambers. He was so startled when he heard us that he accidently tossed the documents up in the air. I couldn't help but laugh. I felt Merlin nudged my shoulder as I looked up to see Arthur was glaring at me. I immediately stopped my laughing.

Arthur was beyond pissed as he asked, "What the devil do you two think you are doing, barging right into my chamber?"

Merlin stepped forward and showed him the snake's head. Merlin explained what happened in Valiant's chamber. When he was about to say who chopped off its head, Arthur interrupted him.

Arthur looked right at Merlin and asked, "You? You chopped its head off?"

Merlin was about to say something when I elbowed him right in the stomach. He grunted as he glared at me.

I rolled my eyes at him as I looked back at Arthur and said, "Actually I did. I chopped off the... snake's head"

Arthur was extremely surprised to hear that I was the one who cut off its head. I think he couldn't believe a girl did it. Stupid sexist pig. "You did?"

Merlin smirked as he said, "Yes, she did."

"Is that hard to believe?" Arthur opened his mouth to answer, but I cut him off saying, "Don't answer that."

I heard some snickering behind me and I turned around to see Merlin trying so hard not to laugh. He immediately turned his laugh into an awkward cough when I glared at him. He decided to turn his attention back to Arthur.

"Ewan was bitten by a snake from the shield when he was fighting Valiant. You can talk to Gaius; you can see the puncture wounds in Ewan's neck where the snake bit him. Ewan was beating him, he had to cheat," said Merlin.

Arthur looked outraged, but skeptical at the same time. "Valiant wouldn't dare use magic in Camelot."

"Ewan was pinned under Valiant's shield. No one could see that the snake bit him," I told him.

Arthur shook his head as he said, "I don't like the guy, but that doesn't mean he's cheating."

Merlin looked like he was going to explode because Arthur wouldn't listen to us.

"Gaius is preparing an antidote to the snake venom. When Ewan's conscious, he'll tell you what happened. If you fight Valiant in the final, he'll use the shield. It's the only way he can beat you," said Merlin.

Arthur shook his head and looked away from us. Oh my gosh, this is getting us nowhere. I marched right up to Merlin and grabbed the snake's head out of his hand. Merlin was shocked to see that I was brave enough to touch it, let alone grab its head. Heck, even I'm shocked about it. Need I remind you, THAT I HATE SNAKES! I guess I wanted Arthur to believe us so I didn't care if I was holding that disgusting head. I looked at Arthur with a stern face.

"Arthur, look at it!" Arthur turned around as I grabbed his arm, ignoring the fluttering in my heart when I grabbed him, and placed the snake's head in his hand. "Have you ever seen any snakes like this in Camelot?" Arthur looked at the snake like he was examining it. I took a deep breath before I softly said to him, "I know I'm just a servant and my word doesn't count for anything. I wouldn't lie to you and neither would Merlin."

Arthur slowly looked up and stared right at Merlin and I. Merlin walked up to us and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Arthur took a deep breath before saying, "I want you to swear to me what you're telling me is true."

Merlin nodded his head as he said, "I swear it's true."

"I swear, you can trust us Arthur." At first Arthur wasn't sure to trust us or not. I walked up to him and touched his arm. Again, I had the same fluttering feeling come over me when I touched his arm. His eyes stared right into mine as I said, "Please, believe me."

Arthur lowered his eyes back to my hand that was still touching his arm. I realized he might be angry at me because I was touching him. I was about to let go of his arm when his hand grabbed my hand. I suddenly felt warm all over as his soft smooth hand enclosed on mine. I looked right into his dark blue eyes waiting for his answer.

He smiled at me as he said, "All right, I believe you."

I couldn't help but smile back at him. Merlin looked at us with confusion and he couldn't help but feel protective of me again. Maybe it was his older brotherly instincts. Arthur called one of the guards to call a meeting immediately. I couldn't help but wonder if something awful would happen next, and then I realized something. My memory of the TV show was slowly fading away. I remember bits of pieces, but that was it. Oh man, I'm in big trouble.

And there you have it. Again, sorry that this chapter was short. I still hope you've enjoyed it.  PLEASE REVIEW  AND VOTE FOR ME! Until then.


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