Valiant: Minding Our Own Business!

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Hey everyone, I'm back! I want to thank all of those who reviewed and voted for my story. You guys make me smile.  Anyways, I hope you will enjoy this chapter. I do not own anything except for Sam.

Merlin looked back at Gaius for an explanation. "How could he've been bitten by a snake? He was injured in the sword fight."

Gaius sighed as he said to us, "But the symptoms are consistent with poisoning: slow pulse, fever, paralysis."

"You can heal him right," I asked nervously.

"Well, if it is a snake bite, I'll have to extract venom from the snake that bit him to make an antidote," said Gaius.

Merlin and I looked at each other with concern. He looked back at Gaius and asked, "What happens if he doesn't get the antidote?"

Gaius looked back at us with a very grim look on his face. "Then I'm afraid there's nothing more I can do for him. He's going to die."

I closed my eyes when I heard what he had just said. I still felt it was my fault. How could I have missed something so important? I knew what was going to happen. I looked back at Sir Ewan to see his getting paler by the minute. I am so sorry Ewan. I'm sorry I didn't stop him. I had to hold back the tears when I realized that he is going to die and there is nothing I can do.

Realization flashed before Merlin's eyes when he remembered something. He looked at me and whispered, "He was fighting Knight Valiant."

I glared daggers at him and whispered, "Even I could have told you that, but did you listen to me before, no."

Gaius looked at us with a confused look, "What's that?"

"Nothing," Merlin and I said together.

Before I could say another word, Merlin grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room. He was pulling me so hard that I felt like my arm was going to be popped out of its socket. I looked back to see Gaius looking at us rather strangely. When we were finally away from the room, Merlin released my arm to my relief. My arm was in serious pain.

"Merlin, what the hell are you doing? Are you trying to pull my arm out," I whispered angrily.

He rolled his eyes at me and whispered, "Look, we need to check out Valiant to see if your snake theory is true."

My eyes widen when I heard what he had just said. HE BELIEVES ME? HE FINALLY BELIEVES ME! "So you do believe me right? You admit that I was right and you were wrong?"

"Let's call it a hunch."

I was about to ask him another question when he ran passed me down the hall. "Was that a yes," I called out to him. Of course he ignored me and continued to run ahead. "Ugh, men."

When I finally reached him, we had to wait for ten minutes until we saw Valiant walk into his guest quarters. I was still a little nervous about spying on Valiant. Not only he makes me sick, but I do have a fear of snakes. I was lucky I didn't scream when I saw it blinked at me when I was in the armory room. I remember this part of the show, and I was not ready to see this live. We tiptoed to his door to see that he cracked it just enough for us to peek inside. My heart dropped when I saw Valiant was holding up a poor defenseless little mouse above his shield. Merlin saw that I was shaking so hard that he put his arm around me for comfort.

"Dinner time my pets. Come on," whisper Valiant.

I had to cover my mouth when I saw the snakes coming out of the shield and one of them swallowing the poor little mouse whole. I felt tears burning my eyes. Merlin knew our time was up as he grabbed my hand and we ran away from the door. He pulled me into the alcove with him as we hid from Valiant. I placed my head on Merlin's chest and closed my eyes. I was breathing very slowly trying to clam myself down. I could still see that mouse being eaten alive in my mind and I was still shacking in fear. I wished I had not looked when the mouse was being fed to the snake. I felt Merlin's arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

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