The Dragon's Call: Prince Arthur

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Here's the next chapter. It's one of my favorites because Sam finally meets Arthur! I do hope you like it! Please vote, review, and enjoy the chapter!

I do not own anything except for Sam.

While Merlin eats his sandwich, I looked around to get a better look at the castle. I remember reading stories about Camelot, but never in my wildest dreams will I see it in person. We walked down the Physician's Corridor and through the Square to deliver the medicine. We walked up to a door and I knocked on it. The door opened and an old man, who I knew it was Sir Olwin, answers it.

"We brought you your medicine," said Merlin.

Sir Olwin takes the bottle out of Merlin's hand. He pops the cork and starts drinking it.

"Merlin, don't forget Gaius said..." I said to him.

"Oh right and Gaius said don't drink it all at..." Merlin started to say only to see Sir Olwin finishes drinking it.

"Once," I finish. Oh boy.

"I'm sure it's fine," said Merlin.

After we left, I couldn't help but laugh. You have to admit, it was funny. We walked until we saw a group of knights teasing a boy. One knight was throwing a knife at the boy who was holding the target. I realized the knight was no ordinary knight, but Prince Arthur.

"Ok, he's a jerk," I thought to Merlin.

"I couldn't agree more," Merlin thought back.

Morris, the boy, finally drops the target and it rolls to Merlin's feet. Merlin puts a foot on it so Morris can't pick it up. I lowered my hand to Morris to help him up.

"You ok," I asked him. Morris smiled and thanks me. I turned back to Arthur to see him staring at me. He looked like he was in a trance. Ok, that's weird. Why is he staring at me?

"Hey, come on, that's enough," Merlin said to him.

Arthur stopped staring at me and looked at Merlin all confused. "What?"

"You've had your fun, my friend," said Merlin.

"Do I know you?"

"I'm Merlin and this is my sister Sam."

"Hey," I said.

"Sam? Isn't that a boy's name," asked one of the knights. The rest of the knights started to laugh and my anger grew.

"It's short for Samantha," I hissed at the knight narrowing my eyes at him.

Arthur looked back at Merlin and asked, "So I don't know you two?"


"Yet you called me "friend."

"That was my mistake," said Merlin. I knew he was trying to calm his anger.

"Yes, I think so," said Arthur.

"Yeah. I'd never have a friend who could be such an ass," said Merlin.

I couldn't help but giggle. Arthur glared at me and I immediately stop my giggling. Merlin grabbed my arm and we started to walk away.

When we thought it was over, even though we weren't, we heard Arthur say, "Or I one who could be so stupid."

Merlin suddenly stops walking. I knew if Merlin was going to punch Arthur, he would fail miserably.

"Merlin, just ignore him," I thought to him.

Merlin turned around to face Arthur again. Of course he would ignore me.

"Tell me, Merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees," asked Arthur.


"Would you like me to help you," Arthur asked sarcastically.

"I wouldn't if I were you," I said glaring at him.

Arthur and the other knights laughed at me.

"Why? What are you going to do to me, girl," Arthur asked.

"You have no idea," Merlin said smirking at Arthur.

"Alright Sam, be my guest," said Arthur.

"Permission to kill him," I thought to Merlin.

"Go right ahead," Merlin thought back to me while smiling at me.

I looked back at Arthur who was laughing at me. "Come on! Come on! Come oooooon."

I just looked at him and waited. Arthur and the knights looked at me all confused while I examined my nails.

"Hey girl, what are you waiting for," asked Arthur.

"What, you're not going to attack. Oh right, I forget. You don't want to attack a girl or admit a girl could beat you up," I said sarcastically.

The peasants who were watching us was whispering and saying, "Ouch."

Arthur glared at me hard and threw his arm to punch me in the face. Unfortunately for him, I did a side block and pinned his arm behind is back. I held him tight so he wouldn't move. Everyone, including the knights, was shocked to see their Prince pinned up by a girl. Merlin smiled at me to see that I won.

"Looks like a girl can beat you," I said to Arthur.

Arthur turned his head to look me in the eyes. He stared at me than his eyes narrowed at me. "I'll have you thrown in jail for that."

"What, who do you think you are? The King?" asked Merlin from the sidelines. Sorry to tell you this Merlin, he is.

Arthur looked back at Merlin and answered, "No. I'm his son, Arthur."

Suddenly I felt two strong arms grabbed me and pulled me off of Arthur.

"Hey, let me go," I screamed.

Merlin looked outraged and shocked as he saw the knights grabbed my arms. He tries to run to help me, but two other knights stopped him from coming any closer.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LEAVE HER ALONE!" I looked at Merlin as my eyes were screaming HELP ME! "If your take her, you have to take me too," Merlin said.

The knights who held me stopped when they heard Merlin. I was completely in shock. Why is he doing this? I'm not that important, am I?

"Why do you want to do that," Arthur asked him.

Merlin looked me right in the eye and answered, "She's my sister. Where she goes, I go."

I was really touched when I heard him. He does care. Wished Courtney cared like this too. Arthur nodded his head and Merlin and I were being dragged to the dungeon. I looked back at Arthur to see him still staring at me. Seriously, what is his problem? I looked up at the window of the castle to just see Gwen looking at me and left. The guards who held onto Merlin threw him into the cell. The guard who held me threw me rather harder but thankfully Merlin caught me before I fell to the ground. This is going to be a long night.

And there you have it! I do hope you like this chapter! More to come soon. So please vote, review, and until then...


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