The Dragon's Call: Call Me Gwen

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Hey everyone, here is the next chapter! Please vote, review, and enjoy the chapter!

Just to remind you all, I don't own the show Merlin... I wish I did lol, only Sam.

"Samantha, Samantha."

Who's that? I woke up the next morning a little bit startled. Who's calling me? Ok Sam, think... oh yeah the Dragon. But why is he calling me? I got up to see Merlin moving his head to the floor to inspect it.

"What in the world are you doing Merlin," I asked.

Merlin jumped when he heard me. He turned around to see me awake. "Oh Sam, I was just... ah, well..."

"Merlin! Sam!" I turned around to see the cell door opens and Gaius steps in. "You both never cease to amaze me! The one thing that someone like you should do is keep your head down, and what do you do? You behave like an idiot," Gaius said accusing us.

Merlin bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry."

"It was my fault, not Merlin's," I explained. Merlin put his arm around my shoulder for comfort.

Gaius smiled at us and said, "You're lucky. I managed to pull a few strings to get you released."

My face lit up when I heard those sweet words in my ear. "Really! Oh my gosh, thank you Gaius!"

"Yes, thank you! Thank you. We won't forget this," said Merlin.

"Well, there is a small price to pay," said Gaius.

My smiled dropped when I remember what is happening next.

"Please don't tell me we both have to do it," I said.

Gaius just smiled at me. The next thing I knew, Merlin and I were in the stocks. Peasants, including children, were throwing rotten fruits and vegetables at us. An apple core hit me right on the head.

"Hey, watch where you're throwing that!" I screamed at the kid. Of course they ignored me and continue throwing fruits and vegetables at us. "This is so gross," I complained to Merlin.

I looked up to see Gaius walking by and laughing at us. Merlin, of course, was taking it as a joke.

"Thanks," Merlin said to Gaius.

I on the other hand hated this. Some fruit juice was dripping down my face. I so wished they had showers in this time period.

"I hate you Gaius," I screamed at him.

When the children finally didn't have any more fruits and vegetables, so they finally left us. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Gwen approaching us. She's wearing a red dress and a dark red cape. I kind of got jealous because she looked great in the dress. Maybe I can borrow it from her.

"I'm Guinevere, but most people call me Gwen. I'm the Lady Morgana's maid," said Gwen.

Merlin eyes widen and his mouth dropped in awe. I had to kick him, even though my legs hurt from having to be on my knees, to get him out of his trace.

"Right. I'm Merlin and this is my little sister Sam."

Merlin reaches his hand further out of the stocks so that Gwen can shake his hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you Gwen," I said waving my hand at her.

"Nice to meet you too," Gwen said smiling at me.

"Like Merlin said, I'm Samantha but please call me Sam. Although, most people just call me Idiot," I said looking down at the ground.

"No, no, no. I saw what you did. It was so brave," said Gwen.

I still looked at the ground as I said, "It was stupid."

Merlin smiled and said "Yes it was..."

I looked at Merlin and glared at him.

"What did you call me," I thought to him. His eyes widen when he heard my thought in his head.

"Not you Sam, Arthur was stupid."

"That's what I thought," I said out loud.

Gwen smiled at us. "Well, I'm glad you walked away Merlin. You weren't going to beat him."

Of course I was the one who faught Arthur not Merlin. But she's right, Merlin would have been seriously hurt if I didn't step in to fight Arthur.

Merlin puffed his chest trying to look strong "Oh, I...I can beat him." Oh, he's so flirting with her.

"You think? Because you don't look like one of these big, muscle-y kind of fellows."

"Ouch," I murmured.

"Thanks," said Merlin sarcastically.

Now it was Gwen turn to be all wide eyed for her mistake.

"No! No, I'm sure you're stronger than you look. It's just, Arthur's one of these real rough, tough, save the world kind of men, and...well..."

Merlin looked at her and asked, "What?"

"You don't look like that," she said.

He looked around to make sure no one was listening. He motioned for her to move closer.

"I'm in disguise," he whispered.

I could help but laugh. "Yeah, he's very strong for someone whose arms are tooth picks. Ow!"

I realized Merlin kicked me in the side to tell me to shut up.

"You deserved that one," he said.

"Well, it's great you stood up to him. Also it was great that you took him down Sam," she said.

I smiled when I heard what she said.

"What? You think so," asked Merlin.

"Arthur's a bully, and everyone thought you two were a real hero," said Gwen.

"You hear that bro, we're heroes," I said. I heard laugher to see the children approach us again with more rotten fruit. This is not my day. "Oh great," I murmured.

"Oh, excuse me, Guinevere. Our fans are waiting," said Merlin.

Gwen ran away as the kids were picking up the fruits and vegetables. I looked at Merlin and smirked at him.

"You so like her," I said.

Merlin looked at confused but also in shock. "What, no I don't."

"Really? Come on Merlin, you were flirting with her. 'I can beat him.'"

"I was not flirting with her!"

"Right, Merlin and Gwen, sitting in a tree. K-I-"


My mouth was wide open when a rotten tomato hit me right in the face. Some of the juice splashed right into my brown hair. Merlin, on the other hand, has laughing his head off when he saw what happened.

"Ok, I repeat again... this is so gross!"

So there you have it. Tell me what you think. Suggestions are open. Please vote and review! Until next time...


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