Meeting Merlin

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"Sam, wake up. Come on Samantha, get up."

Who is that? I slowly opened my eyes and was staring into someone's beautiful blue eyes. Then I realized sometime. I'm looking at Colin Morgan. I bit my tongue so I don't scream for joy or fright. Colin looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Are you alright Sam," he asked.

"What," I asked still getting over my shock.

His smirk turned into a concern look. His eyes looked sad into my hazel eyes.

"Merlin is your sister up yet," said a voice outside the door.

Merlin? Did someone call him Merlin?

He looked back at the door and yelled, "Yes Mother. She's just waking up."

Sister? Then my eyes widen in realization. I'm Merlin's sister. How did this happen? The Shooting star, my wish. That's how it happened. I looked back at Merlin as he still looked at me with concern. Ok Sam, go along with it.

"Sorry, I just hate it when you do that," I said.

He smirked at me again and asked, "Do what?"

"Waking me up. You know I don't like to wake up early."

Merlin laughed at me that I started to laugh too. He lowered his hand and helped me out of bed. "Get dress. We'll be leaving shortly."

I raised my eyebrows and asked, "To where?"

He looked back at me with a look that said you're kidding right? "To Camelot of course. No hurry up, mother is waiting for us."

"Why do you have to be so bossy," I asked for no reason.

Merlin smirked at me. "I'm your big brother. It's my job."

When he finally left my supposedly room, I ran to my closet to pick out my dress. Normally I don't wear dresses, but this is the show Merlin, so I have to dress for the part. I picked out a plain blue dress and a black jacket; at least I think it's a jacket. I got dressed and walked out of my room. I walked into the kitchen and saw Merlin and a woman looking at me. Who was she?

"Oh Samantha you look beautiful," she said.

"Mother you don't have to say that to her. She knows she's already beautiful," said Merlin.

Oh right, she's Merlin mom, and my mom too. That's when a thought came to my mind. What if I never see my family again? Am I stuck here? What if they forget all about me? I didn't realize that I was crying.

"Sam, are you ok," asked Merlin.

"I'm fine, I just going to miss everyone," I said.

It wasn't a total lie. I do miss my family and the woman who is standing in front of me I will miss too. She did look a lot like my real mom back at home. She walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I felt her tears hit my shoulder as she didn't want to let go of me.

"I will miss you too sweetheart, but this is for the best for both of you. You will keep an eye on your brother right," she asked.

I smiled and said, "Don't worry; I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"Hey, what's that suppose to mean," he asked.

We all laugh with each other. She handed a letter to Merlin and gave us one last hug. We started to walk out of our village but stopped and looked back. We saw our Mom out the front door waving at us. As Merlin waved back, I saw Will plowing the fields. He stopped and looked right at us. I could see the sad look on his face.

"Come on Sam, let get going," said Merlin. He grabbed my hand and we walked away from the village. All I can think about is the show is about to start and I'm in it. I so can't wait to experience this.

And there you have it! I do hope you enjoyed this chapter! More chapters to come soon!. Until then...


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