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They got into the restaurant and took a table for two and just as they settled in their seats a waitress walk up to their table with a menu. They already had their choice of meal in mind they placed their order and the waitress went to get their order ready after asking them to patiently wait for a few minutes with a bright smile mostly directed to Taehyung causing Jungkook to roll his eyes.

"So baby, when is the art event taking place" Jungkook heard Taehyung ask.

"In two weeks time, I am so nervous. It's going to be the first time my work is going to be displayed in a large event as this one"

"No need to be nervous baby, your works are super brilliant and you would not only be able to sell them all but this event will give you opportunity to meets big connections" Taehyung tried to encourage taking the younger's hand in his on the table before kissing the knuckles. Jungkook visibly relaxed.

"I hope so too"

"Give yourself more credit love..." Taehyung was cut off when the waitress came back with their food with two other waiters because it was a big lunch set they ordered. They set the table and left after telling the couple to 'enjoy'  earning a thank you from them back.

Jungkook happily digged into his own plate. Taehyung served more marinated beef into the younger's
plate smiling fondly at his boyfriend's excitement in front of food. Taehyung started eating too.

"Are your parents going to be at the event?" Taehyung asked after a few minutes of silently eating.

Jungkook nodded in response not able to talk because he keep stuffing his face with more food.

"I will be going to Busan next week to finalize my plan of getting a branch there with Yoongi" Taehyung informed causing Jungkook to immediately stop eating and looked at him surprised.

"I thought you were supposed to travel after the art event?"

"Plans changed baby but don't worry I will be back just in time for the event"

Jungkook was silent for a while after that causing Taehyung to sigh and took his left hand on the table.

"I won't miss the event for anything baby, moreover I have to be there to see how everyone drool at my baby's master pieces"

Jungkook nodded his head retracting his hand and continued to eat before asking again.

"How long will you be gone for?"

"Probably the whole week, but I will come back immediately if it tries to exceed one week, Okay?"

Jungkook nodded again and they continued eating.

The art event the Korea International Art Fair (KIAF) is the biggest in Korea art event in Korea and getting an opportunity to join with his work was a very big step in Jungkook's carrier which came with a lot of nerve wrecking thoughts.

There will be displays of great works of artist world wide and being his first time is nerve wrecking. He knows his piece are astonishing but definitely not the best. This is why he has to work extra hard to creat master pieces.

Having Taehyung this times are the best, the older is always there to cheer him on, compliment his work, massage his sore muscles when he over works and encourages more when he is about to give up.

So hearing him say he will be traveling just few days to the event is like taking his muse and source of strength away.

But he has to be understanding too because it's Taehyung carrier he is pursing too.

They have been together for five years now and they are practically inseparable and their love for each other has only grown more and more.

A lot of their friends expected them to be married by now but Taehyung never mentions anything about it and even if he has dreamed of it several times and can't wait for when Taehyung would pop the question. He tries to not push the older or bring the topics up because it seem to not be in Taehyung's agenda anytime soon.

The thought of taehyung not planning for them to spend forever together Hurts sometimes but he is very happy with their relationship now. And he will continue to love him as much as he can and wait till when ever he is ready.

"Do you want me to come with you to Busan?" Jungkook asked out of nowhere. He wants Taehyung to know that he supports his dreams too just as much Taehyung supports him.

"I wish you can come with me baby, but you need to be here to prepare for the event"

Jungkook tried to say something but no words came out because he knew Taehyung was right. He has a lot to do in preparation of the event.

"Don't worry, I will not be gone for long"


It's so fun writing this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


834 words

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