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They were an hour into the drive when Jungkook remembered to open his phone and immediately it came on, he got notifications popping in causing him to chulck, it's been two weeks he opened his phone last, luckily Jimin handles his clients.

He waited for the notifications to slow down before going for his email but stopped when he saw 99+ message causing him to frown. He quickly opened his message app, checked for his parents message before sighing in relief. He almost panicked that there was an emergency he missed.

When he closed his mum's message page he was brought back to the homepage of his message and the top message was no other than Taehyung's with 99+ message.

He held his breath as he clicked on his message.

It was after 10 minutes, Jimin who was driving started hearing muffled sniffs causing him to turn towards his right to look at his friend and was shocked to see Jungkook covering his mouth with his palm with his eyes pour out tears while staring down at his phone.

Jimin panicked, did someone die?

"Kook! What is wrong?" He asked with the panick evident in his voice, Jungkook cries only increased at the question. Jimin just wished it wasn't in the middle of night and they are in the middle of no way, he would have just pulled over.

"Jungkook, you need to talk to me, You are scaring me crying like that. What happened?" He asked again

"I h-hurt him so m-much" he heard Jungkook finally said from the other side of the car causing him to frown.

Luckily for them he could see a gas station up ahead with light on so he just drove faster.

When he drove into the gas station he packed before turning to his best friend.

"What do you mean?" He asked again to the crying friend who just stretched out his phone towards him. Jimin frowned before collecting the phone which a message was opened meaning Jungkook wanted him to see the message.

"All h-he did was love me unconditionally and I-I p-paid him back with distrust and hurt" he heard Jungkook breakdown as he used his both hands to cover his face and his knees pulled up to his chest.


hope you ain't spending the whole night painting again?
You should sleep more

Did you eat?

I discovered a new spot where they make very good Bulgogi, it's way better than that of our favorite restaurant and they also have very decent staffs, You will totally love it,

I can't wait to take you there.

I was arranging your studio today, I saw alot of the painting you did and never showed to me.

2days ago


Hope you had dinner?
I know how hard it is for you to leave the studio and eat but please don't starve yourself

You know I love you so much and would trade anything to make you happy

Please respond to me once, I miss you so much

So so much

1day ago

Did you have breakfast yet?


Baby, I'm leaving for Busan with Yoongi hyung today. The house keys are still at their usual place, there is food in the freezer. I cleaned up your studio out of boredom :) I hope I didn't break anything.

When you get this message please call me. I really miss you.


Jimin could feel all the emotions in the message and he had known the two for the longest time they have been together. He knows Taehyung to be more of the emotional one, even tho Jungkook is the overly pampered one. Taehyung is really too fragile emotionally.

Jimin turned to his best friend that already looks more exhausted than he was earlier. He removed his seat beat and pulled the younger into a hug.

"I hurt him hyung, I was been selfish, too selfish" Jungkook said totally exhausted and definitely accepted his crime not sure how he was going to face taehyung now. He closed his eyes as fresh tears poured out of them while hugging his best friend harder to get all the emotional support he needs.

"I won't sugar coat it for you because you really did overreact but! There is a but" he said before pulling the you away from the hug. He helped wipe the younger's tears giving him a reassuring smile.

"But, you had every right to feel the way you did plus relationship isn't meant to be all rosy, there will always be ups and down which is meant to strengthen your love not tear it down. So we are going to get to Busan and you will apologize and trust me, Taehyung is too whipped for you to stay mad at you for long. But! There is another but.."

He passed the bottle water in the back seat over to the younger.

"But, please don't do this again, no matter what misunderstanding you guys have in the future. Just sit down together and talk it out to avoid ruining things more. If you are too angry just sleep it off and you will wake up to see it was worth hurting each for"

Jungkook hugged him suddenly with a broken cry and laugh

"Didn't know my best friend was this wise" he said jokingly but it cane out as a serious compliment because he was crying again.

"I guess Yoongi hyung is rubbing off on me" jimin replied "Are you okay now?" He added after pulling the younger out of the hug.

Jungkook nodded

"You should wash your face a little, it's all swollen from crying and not sleeping for long" Jimin advised which Jungkook listened to before opening the car and stepping out to wash his face a little with the bottle water he had.

When he came back to the car passing his fingers through his semi wet hair to make them look a little presentable. Jimin handed him a small hand towel to whip his face with.

"Ready to go?" Jimin asked him as he whine up the car windows ready to continue their journey.

"Yes, down whine up the windows please. I need the wind to help clear my head"

"Okay, We are leaving now" Jimin informed as he pulled the car off the parking spot back to the road.

"Thanks" Jungkook appreciated as he placed his arms on the open window resting his head on them while the wind slowly blew through his hair and against his face.

He really fucked up this time and only prays this will not affect their relationship so much.


Any thoughts?

I have been emotionally numb lately, hence why I can't update as usual.

I purple you


1116 words

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