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Jungkook groaned as he tries to wake up from sleep, all his muscle feel sore and his neck stiff. He tries to stretch them out looking around the studio room he had falling asleep yet again.

He pulled himself up to the wash room to fresh up because he sure didn't do that the whole day yesterday. He walked into bathroom and stared at his reflection in the mirror which wasn't a very pleasant sight. His eyes were swollen and bloodshot due to crying himself to sleep again.

He hissed as he pulled the hoodie over his head because his muscle feel so sore from sleep on the cold floor of his studio. He had gotten a small studio which had a bedroom, a small kitchen by the side (not like he ever use it) and a bathroom. He knew Jimin's place was a no no as that would be the first place Taehyung would go to. He also didn't go to his parents just so he wouldn't worry them so he was able to get the place the same day he arrived in Seoul with the help of Jimin who claimed it was a friend's old place.

His eyes widened in panic as he stared at his naked reflection in the mirror.

"No No No! Please don't disappear" he pleaded as he turned around to see his waist from behind hoping to find the hand prints of Taehyung on his waist from the last sex they had but it was no longer there, not even the bite mark on his back shoulders.

He sighed in disappointment as he walked into the shower and allowed the cold water soak his sorrow away. Those marks were the only things he had of the older that kept his mind at peace, the symbol of Taehyung been his.

He left Paris in so much hurry that he didn't even get to steal any of the older's belongings, aside from some of his clothes his scent had faded away there was nothing of the older around him anymore. It's almost like the universe is taking taehyung away from him completely.

The tears that flow from his eyes and mixed with the shower were too painful to acknowledge.

After spending almost an hour under the freezing water he came out got dressed and just as he came out of the room he heard the front door open with Jimin walking inside with a flask cup of coffee in his right hand.

"Good morning kook" Jimin greeted as he tugged his jacked off his shoulders with one hand "You look like shit"

"I just had my bath so don't start" Jungkook rolled his eyes moving to the couch to sit down

"You mentally look like shit and it's reflecting on your physical body" Jimin stated as he raised his head to meet the younger after he managed to remove the jacket. He notice the younger staring at his right hand and trace the focus which landed on the coffee in his hold.

He passed the coffee to Jungkook with a heavy sigh. The younger took the coffee and immediately took a sip off it. Jungkook closed his eyes at the oh so familiar taste hit his tongue, he would trade anything for this particular coffee every morning. He smiled sadly at the cup as he remembered the first day Jimin came to visit him in the morning with it without saying anything but immediately he tasted the liquid he immediately knew who had made it, he cried his eyes out that morning and has been anticipating the drink every other morning since then as Taehyung didn't fail to drop one with Jimin every morning.

"Did you eat?" Jimin asked bring Jungkook out of his thoughts.

"I just woke up" he answered without raising his eyes from the cup.

"I didn't ask if you had breakfast, I mean last night" the older asked which only earned him a shrug of the shoulder from the younger

"What's your problem kook? You want to have ulcer?"

The outburst startled the younger as he looked up at his hyung "I just didn't feel like eating" he answered looking away

Jimin just scoffed walking to the kitchen to get the breakfast he brought ready for the younger

After almost 30 minutes of forcing Jungkook to eat because the younger claimed he wanted to taste the coffee longer in his tongue. He managed to get him to eat his breakfast.

"You didn't finish the painting again" the older asked as he walked to the corner of the sitting room where the younger have been trying to paint for the past week.

Jungkook just shook his head suddenly feeling sad again as he stared at the half painting from the couch he was sitting at.


"I don't know why I can't create a complete piece..." Jungkook stopped half way as he throws his head on the chair head rest to blink back tears, he really didn't have any strength left in him to cry.

"That is because he is your muse kook. You are not yet used to the feelings of not having him around" Jimin stated as he walks towards the younger.

"I don't know what to do hyung" Jungkook said not looking at the older too scared he won't be able to hold back his tears.

"You could talk to him, work things out. You both need it"

"I can't be selfish hyung, I need to give him space to decide what he really wants. I pushed myself into his life immediately the whole thing with hoseok happened which I really didn't know about and didn't give him a chance to get over his past love. I just filled the space for this past five years and I was always worried why he never talked about a future with me and I never knew he still had a lingering past. I was so happy so so happy when he finally agreed to introduce me to his family. Thinking I am finally making progre....."

His voice cracked in between as some tears finally found an escape out of his eyes.

"I thought I was making finally making progress but reality struck and I was left bare with all this insecurities. Hoseok loves him so much and Tae obviously hasn't gotten over him"

"What the fuck are you even saying?!" Jimin cut him off, he has heard this a thousand times since the younger returned "I don't know or care if he is over that model but I am hundred percent sure that Taehyung loves you and I believe that is all that matters"

Jungkook just nodded, he never doubted Taehyung's love for him but was love all that counted? It took him only two years with hoseok to make plans of their live together for the future, introduce him to his family to the point he was still visiting after they broke up. They have been dating for five years and the older never once mention a future together or even introduce him to his dad until just recently. What wasn't he doing right? He did everything so it definitely has to be that he wasn't over hoseok.

He closed his eyes as fresh tears poured out of his eyes. What is he going to do without the Taehyung? How is he going to pick up the pieces of his life without taehyung? He's totally dependent on the older both physically, mentally and every way possible.

Taehyung was his source of energy and life.

Jimin pulled him into his arms "He loves you Kook and that's all that matters"

Jungkook just cried is heart out to his best friend because he loves the older way too much and doesn't see a way to go about it and he was missing him like oxygen.


Finally jungkook's point of view.

What would you do if you were in jungkook's shoes?

Is this space what they want?

If you don't interact with the book how do you enjoy the wait and anticipation (you guys are mean!)

I purple you still💜💜


1364 words

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