12. Changed

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The next day, Niki woke up a little bit late.

"Oh, she didn't wake me up ?"

Niki comes downstairs towards the dining room and sees Veerle.

she was done making the breakfast. when she saw Niki coming downstairs, she sat on her usual seat, and just started eating her breakfast quietly, didn't say anything.

And Niki just sat on the other side, he's started eating his breakfast, but he's still waiting for Veerle to start blabbering as usual but he just found out that Veerle eating her breakfast without lifting his head, just focused on her food.

" Woah! it's working? this is literally what I want, no clinginess or disturbance"

*veerle pov*

"I'm trying my best not to do what Niki said last night. everything I do only makes things worse. make him angry and hate me. I did it all Just to make Niki happy, Maybe I just can't understand How to show what I mean. I have to limit myself to not make him feel uncomfortable anymore"

I was cleaning Niki's workspace in our room after cleaning the whole house. And I saw something that got my attention, there was a family photo on his desk.

" oh, this is Mr.Nishimura. so this is Niki? but who is this woman? " I looked at their faces closely, and Niki's face with that woman is very similar.

" Is this his mom? " Then I saw the necklace on her neck.

" I think I've seen this necklace before" I tried to remember for a while.

" What the- no way!" I immediately looked for something in my closet when I remembered where I had seen that necklace.

" Gotcha" I got the necklace that I kept from the guy who dropped it at the airport. I went back to the workspace and matched the necklace with the one in the photo.

" It's the same necklace. oh my god, I can't believe this, so He's the one who's bumped me that day?" I was so shocked.


After cleaning, I plan to Visit all my restaurants and cafes to do some audits.

the last I visited was my cafe in Hongdae. I sat for a while and thought about the necklace.

" Should I return the necklace? but I don't want to face him huh" sighed

I decided to go to Niki's Company. when I got there I approached the information officer in the lobby.

" Excuse, Is Mr.Nishimura in his office?" I asked the lady

" Yes ma'am but He's in a meeting right now. may I help you ?"

" oh okay, I just want to give back this , can you please give it to him?"

" sure Ma'am"

I gave the paper bag to the information officer and immediately left her.

" Okay, may I know your--? Eh she's already left"


*Niki pov*

It was getting late and I need to go home.

when I was in the lobby, the information officer called me

"Mr.Nishimura wait!"

"Yes, what?"

" some woman was left something for you" she handed me a small paper bag

" what's her name ?"

"I don't know sir when I wanted to ask her name she already left"

"hmm ok thank you"

I opened the paper bag in my car and opened the little box inside.

"what the heck! No way, I've been looking for this necklace everywhere. how can be, where did I drop it? How does that woman know I'm the owner ?!"

I was so surprised to find the necklace I was searching for, that I thought I would never see it again.

"I really want to thank to that woman,but i don't know who she is"


When I got home, I didn't see Veerle's car in the garage

" where is she going now?"

" tsk why should i care about her! That's good if she leaves,No hugs and horrible welcome words every time I come home"

Then i Park my car, and went inside house.

After cleaning my self, Now I feel very hungry , but there is no food.

"she's usually prepares me a dinner"

I suddenly think about Veerle who always make me dinner.

" Hah I don't care , I don't need her, i can make my own dinner!"

While I was cooking, I heard the sound of a car coming.

" that's must be her "

Then I heard the door open, she came to the Kitchen and saw me messing around with my cook.

" Do you need help?" she asked me with her flat face.

" Mind your own business!"

" ok then" And she just walk away leave me, without any word.

"huh? That's it?"


Hello guys!! I'm sorry if this part a little bit boringly but trust me the next parts is gonna be sooooo interesting ☺️
Please stay tuned and hopefully yall will always keep supporting me🖤🖤

I'm sorry if you find my grammar gone wrong
please correct me🖤🖤



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