27. Riki II

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"Morning Veerle, I have to wake up early today because I have a meeting. But I'm already prepared your breakfast,  hope you like it. Have a good meal."

Veerle reads the note on the dining table that Niki left for her.

"He's very nice to me, he's even willing to sleep on the sofa these few days because he doesn't want to make me feel uncomfortable" Veerle mumbles.

Veerle starts eating his breakfast.

"It tastes so good, why does this taste seem familiar to me?"


"Can you arrange for the next schedule to be changed to Friday? In the next 3 days, I will take my day off"

Niki said to his assistant.

"Yes sir, I'll arrange it. Is there an urgent need, sir?"

"No, it's just that I want to prepare something special for Veerle," Niki said with a smile and left.

when he got home, Niki felt his house was very quiet.

" Where is she ?"

Niki starts looking for Veerle in her room but veerle is not there.

Niki looks to the backyard, to the roof, and the garden room but veerle is not anywhere.


Niki shouts he is starting to panic, he doesn't know how to contact Veerle, Veerle doesn't have a cellphone since her cellphone was lost due to an accident.

Niki started crying, he kept screaming all over the house, but still no response.

Niki took his car keys and rushed to his car which was parked in front of the house. When he started the engine and was about to leave, at that moment Veerle appeared in front of Niki's car holding a dog.

"VEERLE!" Niki got out of the car and hugged Veerle.

Veerle is confused.

Niki released his embrace and held Veerle's shoulders tightly with a panicked face.

"Where have you been? Why go out alone? Didn't I tell you not to go out alone?!!"


*Flashback Veerle Pov*

"God, I'm so bored, a house as grand as this but nothing interesting for me"

I lay down on the bed and daydream looking up at the ceiling.

"It can't be like this, I have to find something"

I started walking around the house, this house is too much for me, everything feels very complete, even I think it will be fine to stay here even if there is a zombie attack.

when I got to the backyard, I was surprised by the size of the backyard, there was even a separate room at the end of the yard.

"What's in that room?" 

I approached the room which was not locked, it was very neat but I smelled an unpleasant smell like the smell of animal dung.

" damn, what is this smell?!"

I began to walk through the room which was quite large. suddenly y I saw a dog lying limp that seemed to faint.


I hugged the dog, his heart was still beating but it felt very slow, the dog only opened his eyes for a moment then closed them again.


I picked up the dog and rushed outside.

"God please don't take this dog first, I want to help him"

I ran fast to find the nearest veterinary clinic.

"That's it, I found it, hang on buddy"


After 3 hours of waiting the vet finally came out and met Veerle.

"He was dehydrated, his intake of food and drink was very lacking, making him almost die. Luckily you have found him" the vet said to Veerle.

the dog has been fed and given vitamins, he looks still weak but has woken up.

"You can take him home, give him milk and vitamins to restore his stamina"

"thank you, sir"

Veerle picked up the Dog and rushed home.

"Hey buddy, thanks for sticking around"

"Now let's go home, and scold your owner. How could he have abandoned you?

*end of flashback*


"I took your dog to the vet, I found him lying almost dead because you abandoned him, luckily I wasn't too late to find him!"

"What?!" Niki takes Riki from Veerle.

"Riki, Are you okay? I'm sorry Riki" Niki said as he hugged his dog tightly.

"Riki? So his name is Riki?"

"yes he is riki"

"You gave his the same name as yours?"

" not me, it's  you"


At that time Veerle seemed to remember a small memory that crossed her mind, She felt remembered something that made her head very dizzy and dark.


Veerle falls lying limp, She faints.



Hello guys, it's been a while right? 5 months I guess?😊

I apologize for the long hiatus because I have to finish my thesis.

 And now that I have graduated from my college and have had time to continue this story.

I hope you  guys are still with me and my story.

I also want to express my condolences for the terrible incident that happened in Itaewon during the Halloween celebrations. I hope the deceased can rest in peace and there will be no more casualties, pray for Itaewon🙏

and  Here's the next part ,please forgive me if there are grammar mistakes and typos. Have a good time guys♥️

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