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Running through the forest of his hide out he wanted nothing to do, but run away from the gravity user who was chasing him "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!" Dazai wanted nothing but a peacefull stroll through the beauty of the forest, but God said fuck it here's your ex lover thinking you are from a rival mafia and Dazai ran more not wanting to attack or talk to the maifoso since he didn't have his voicechanger and half of his mask was broken, currently keeping his scarf close to his face.

"I'M TALKING TO Y--" Chuuya was cut off by getting hit with a strange ability looking almost like Rashoman. Dazai stopped in his tracks to look back at Chuuya who flew into a tree. Dazai ran to Chuuya noticing the man was unconcious from the hit to the head which had a large wound and was bleeding everywhere. A wicked laugh ran through out the forest Dazai looked at the man, his white messy hair was reaching the floor and his wide silver eyes, he was laughing uncontrolably almost falling over "Hahahaha! Weak! Weak! Hahahahaha" The man laughed with pride.

"What the-" Dazai looked at the white mess of a man, knowing he woudn't be able to fight him he quickly took Chuuya into his embrace and tried to run away. The man ran to him hitting him in the back with his foot making the brunette fall over on the floor. Dazai protected Chuuya from the fall since the ginger was already hurt bad enough, but was slowly waking "Haahha! Is the weak waking up!" He laughed as Chuuya was standing up with the help of Dazai.

"You piece of shit" The ginger cursed as he was held by Dazai in a protective manner "HAAHAHAHAH!!" Man kept laughing at the sight of the fallen mafioso  "Grr.." Chuuya growled at the man his eyes glew red with red and black markings growing around his body Dazai knew how pissed Chuuya was to even think about using his abillity in full power knowing Dazai woudn't be here, until the red marks stopped, Chuuya sighed and threw his head over "Fuck" whispered underneath his breath.

"Where is Dazai when you need him" Chuuya commented and returned his gaze back at the front where the man kept laughing.

Dazai took out his gun, with bullets filled with poison that didn't kill, but mostly sent the enemy fast alseep, Dazai took out the gun shooting twice at the man, but missing both times each bullet hit a tree with the man having a sinnister look on his face. Looking at Chuuya the ability user smiled more and ran over to the gravity user Chuuya moved away before he could attack him, grazing him a little on his hand, but that was enough. The next thing Chuuya felt was a warm, slimy tounge on the open wound of his arm. Chuuya quickly moved away feeling sick from the man who laughed and started to fly, one of Chuuya's tricks, while a purple light surrounded him.

"What the-" Chuuya coudn't finish the sentence the ground beneath him moved violenty as he tried to keep his balance.

The rocks flew up trying to hit the red haired mafioso that kept dodging his attacks with his own ability. Dodging another rock Chuuya felt himself getting sick and dizzy, maybe from the bloodloss or the side effects of this white haired bitch copying his ability. Chuuya tried to keep his balance holding his bleeding arm that was starting to be a bother.

Chuuya used his ability to fling rocks at the copycat, but dodged them without breaking a sweat. The man laughed more looking at the tired mafioso on the ground "HAHAHAAJA! That's all you got, WOW THE GREAT ABILITY USER CHUUYA HAS FALLEN DOWN BY MY-" The copycat stood still for a moment before the purple light faded away and fell down on the cold ground with a bullet in his back. Dazai ran over to Chuuya looking at his bleeding arm, Dazai took some spear bandages he had with him and a some water.

Washing away the blood, Dazai took some bandages and wrapped it around Chuuya's arms twice for extra protection. Taking the small mafioso in his arms he fled the scene noticing the copycat ability   user starting to twich. Running through the trees of the large forest Dazai managed to get to Chuuya's small house in the forest where to two went to have fun or relax. Dazai opened the doors with his foot, climbing the dark wooden up to, once there, bedroom Dazai gently laid down Chuuya on the bed, taking his shoes of and coat hanging on the edge of the table.

Dazai was about to leave when he realized he forgot something, he gently kissed the mans head before leaving through the door and ran into the dark forest when night finally set in.

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