Dummy Dancing

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The Janitor is finished waxing the floor then he leaves the hallway which is empty, Jack, Kim and Milton pokes their heads from down the hall, they make their way down the hall. Jack gets on one knee and wipe the floor with his finger.

"Oh yeah, waxy Wednesday, where plastic tray meets a freshly buffed floor and legends are born." Jack Says As Eddie Shows up with trays in his hands

"Hey, guys I got the trays" Eddie Says

"Any problem getting by Marge the lunch lady?" Kim Asks

"Nah She said he don't pay her enough to care." Eddie Says Then Abigail Come Running down the hall

"Did I Miss it?" Abigail Asks

"Nope" Milton Says

"Good, this is totally worth missing study hall for" Abigail Says

Then Jerry comes running down the stairs, "Guys, did I miss anything?" He Asks

"Not yet, Hey! Shouldn't you be in detention for putting a tolu in the boy bathroom?" Kim Asks

"I should be, but when you sit me in the back and you go window open I must take color-flight risk." Jerry Says

"Jack, your record's about to be broken, Prepare for the new world champion, Milton the Missile Krupnick."Milton Says As He Undress only to be wearing a purple skin tight suit, Everyone turns their heads

"Dude, eat a sandwich." Jerry Says As Abigail Playfully Slaps his arm, Then the hallway doors open

""Oh, look at this! I've walked into the middle of a loser-po-loser." Truman Says

"What do you want Truman?" Jack Says Lamely

"I thought I just hang out." Truman Says

"Do you have to do it here" Abigail Says

"It's a free hallway Abigail."

"Truman, if you escuse me, I have a date with destiny." Milton Says

"Oh, that would be your first date ever." Truman Says As he chuckles

"Ha ha ha ha Very funny, You're about to see my skid marks" Everyone Looks at him Confused "Ok, I thought that gonna sound different when it came out." He Says Then Kim runs to the doors at the end of the hall

"Ok guys, this garbage can marked Jack's record of floor tiles." Kim Says

Milton Run & yells as he launches himself on the tray, he slides across the floor fast, he ends up beating jacks record while crashing. Everyone runs over to see.

"He just shattered your record." Jerry Says

"And that paper-maseille solar system outside the science room." Abigail Says

"It looks like somebody greased this tray." Jack Says

"Looks like. Ha ha ha ha!" Truman Says

Milton Gets back up and limps back over to them "Looks like Saturn's now larged in the dark side of the moon." He Says


Everyone was practicing their karate moves with the help of Rudy, Jerry was in the shower but right before they are about to perform another move they all hear a high pitched scream and of course it's Jerry but this time he comes out the bathroom with pink hair, Everyone looks at him and laughs.

"Hold on, Something's different Wait, don't tell me. New bathrobe." Jerry Says

"Jerry don't you think it's a little too soon the circus doesn't really come around this time of year" Abigail Says As Kim dabs her up

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