Breaking Boards

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Kim, Eddie and Abigail are in the hallway talking as Milton runs down the stairs excited.

"You're not gonna believe it, Duke Evans is coming to the mall this weekend!" Milton Says

"Get out! Duke Evans is coming here? To our mall? That is incred—" Kim Says

"You have no o idea who he is, do you?" Abigail Asks

"- Not a clue." Kim Says As Jack walks over to them and joins the conversation.

"Duke Evans is a world champion speed board-breaker." Eddie Says

"Check It Out." Milton Says

He takes out his phone and shows a video of Duke Evans breaking boards.

"Welcome to the chop shop, baby!" Duke Says

"Duke Evans is a loser who travels around in a motor home doing karate demos." Jack Says

"He's having a board-breaking challenge to see if anybody can break his record." Milton Says

"I'd love to break that guy's record, Watch him soak up his tears with his own mullet." Jack Says

"I don't know, jack you think you're ready to take on a guy like the Duke?" Abigail Says

"Yeah, I kind of do." Jack Says

The step out of the way and Jack kicks the lockers near by doing impressive kicks, Jerry approaches them in his pajamas.

"Uh, dude? You know you came to school in your pajamas, right?" Abigail Says

"Oh yeah, I know. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I've got family in town and I have to share my bed with my cousin Pepito." Jerry Says

"Pepito!" They Say

"So you're gonna go to class like that?" Kim Asks

"Pssh, class? No no no. I'm going to bed." Jerry Says

They all look as he gets inside the lockers, they exchanged looks.

"I can't believe he's really going to bed—" Eddie Says

"- Hey! You kids keep it down out there, okay?" Jerry Says


Jack and Jerry have spent remainder of today's practice breaking boards.

"Time." Milton Says

"21 boards, That was awesome!" Eddie Says

"Thanks, Eddie. See it's all about technique and focus. I do this whole meditation to keep..." Jerry Says

"—He was talking about me." Jack Says

Meanwhile Abigail and Kim walks out of the girl's bathroom wearing candy striper uniforms.

"Bye Guys." Abigail Says

"We'll see you guys later." Kim Says

"Well, have fun." Jack Says

"Aren't you gonna say anything about our outfits?" Kim Asks

"What outfit?" Jack Says

"Nope." Jerry Says

"Didn't notice." Eddie Says

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