The Commercial

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After School the gang headed over to the dojo, Abigail and Jack are sparing for a moment as the others look on, Rudy comes in and joins them.

"Sorry I'm late, everyone, but I've g big news. I've been studying acting. At the even you can act academy. Turns out even I can act my teacher is Dan lament, Former star of "beach patrol." Rudy Says

"I loved "beach patrol." They had loretta the talking dolphin." Eddie Says

"That dolphin's all attitude. Talk to the fin 'cause the blowhole ain't listening." Kim Says

"Dan lamont's class is very exclusive, you have to go through an incredibly rigorous selection process."

"By "rigorous" you mean the free lesson coupon. Stuck under your windshield wiper?"Abigail Says

"For your information, Dan himself told me. He thinks I have real talent. Here, let me show you guys an exercise we learned today in class. It's called improv." Rudy Says

"- Improv?" Eddie Says

"That's right. No script, no problem just me alone, pulling it out of my own brain." Rudy Says

"You'll be pulling it out of somewhere." Kim Says As Abigail Chuckles

"Jack, be my scene partner." Rudy Says

"Not gonna happen, Rudy. Acting is really not my thing." Jack Says

"Don't worry. Just let my talent drive the train. Okay, here's The Scene We're in a... We're in a minimart. And you're the clerk and I'm... "ze"king of France." Rudy Says

"Would you care for a candy bar? They're king-sized." Jack Says As Everyone Laughs

"Oui oui." Rudy Says

"Sorry, you can't do that here, Bathroom's broken. If you have to go wee wee, You gotta hold it till you get back to your own throne." Jack Says As Everyone laughs again

"And scene. I said "and scene." That means The Scene is over. You guys, he didn't even do an accent. It's not funny if you don't do an accent!" Rudy Says Then leaves the dojo


"To be honest with you, I just started acting..are you sure you wanna be my manager?" Rudy Asks

"I'll say it again. I wanna be in the Rudy business I mean, dude, in that scene, I... I really thought you were the king of France." Jerry Says

"I really took you there, huh?" Rudy Says

"Took me there? Under the eiffel towerg. Wearing a beret and eating smelly cheese. Rudy, I wanna be your people." Jerry Says

"I can't believe this I have people." Rudy Says


Kim, Milton and Eddie are in Home- Ec. They ready for their grades on the cakes they baked.

"Quiet down, quiet down, everybody. Now as you know, the cake you've baked. Will determine your final home ec grade." Mr. Pedesta Says

"You know what I always say... another day, another "a." Milton Says

"You know what I always say... You can't spell "eddie" without "d"s." He Says

Milton and Kim furrow's their brows at him then shrugs.

"My gold fork and I will commence the walk of taste. That's odd. Sponge cake does not contain actual sponge. - "d-"Mr. Pedesta Says

"Passed! Up top." Eddie Says

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