Kickin It On Our Own Part 2

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Inside the courtyard some of the maintenance men are taking down the sign from the previous Wasabi Dojo and replaced it with the Black Dragon's.

"I'm gonna miss everything about that place...
Even the weird rat that lives under the radiator." Milton Says

"Yeah, I mean... wait, that's a rat?" Jerry Says

"Yes Jerry what did you think it was." Abigail Says

"Rudy told me that was a hairless Brazilian dog,
I let that thing kiss me." Jerry Says

"What are we gonna do? That dojo was the thing
that kept us together." Eddie Says

"We don't need a dojo to keep us together. Right, Jack?" Kim Says

"Of course, Guys, nothing's gonna change." Jack Says



Rudy is sitting in his chair while Joan who's still his receptionist, reads him his agenda.

"Okay, you have a breakfast with marketing, brunch with the Union Rep, lunch with accounting, dinner with advertising and dessert with sales." Joan Says

"Oh! I'm so sick of eating!" Rudy Says, turning around revealing his large belly.

"And your 2:00 from the sideshow is here. It's with Benny, the world's smallest man." Joan Says

"Send him in." Rudy Says

"Come in, Benny!" Joan Says

The door opens and they hear tiny little footsteps tapping against the floor, Benny sits down in the chair and Joan leaves so the two could talk.

"We've had some more complaints about you, Benny. I'm gonna have to let you go." Indistinct jabbering comes from the tiny man. "Hey, that kind of language is unnecessary." He Continues jabbering. "I will not fight with you..oh really?" Rudy Says, The door opens and enters the office his Uncle Blake.

"And how is my favorite nephew?, Oh, sorry. Didn't realize..." He Says

"Don't worry. Benny was on his way out." Rudy Says,
Jabbering continues as Benny leaves slamming the door.

"Wow. Attitude, Because of you, attendance
at Circus Town is up 50%. Now I'm opening a new Park in Taiwan, and I want you to run it." Blake Says

"I'm... I'm flattered, uncle Blake. But Taiwan's pretty far away." Rudy Says

"I'll pay you a million dollars." Blake Says

"I will pack my bags!" Rudy Says, standing up reaching out his hand.

"All right, I am very proud of you, Rudy. The whole family is so proud." Blake Says

The door opens and Joan enters "Goodbye, Mr. Gillespie."

"Bye." Blake Says

"Woo-wee!, Look who's a fat cat now." Joan Says

"You heard about my promotion." Rudy Says

"What promotion?" Joan Says

Rudy looks over at a photo on his desk of him and the kids, he picks up his phone and dial a number.

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