Win, Lose or Ty

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To help gain more customers for the dojo, Rudy asked his students to help him promote the dojo.

In the parking lot Jack, Kim and Abigail are showing off a karate routine that they just put together the other day, while Jerry held up a sign and Milton held up a box with jock straps.

"Wasabi!" They said, as their routine came to a finish.

"All right, guys. Who's ready to sign up?" Jack Asked, as the crowd fell to an awkward silence.

"Who's just here for the free jock strap?" Milton questioned

The crowd of people all ran towards Milton and grabbed ever jock strap off the tray then walked off.

"They took every jock strap in the box." Abigail Says

"I think they even got the one I was wearing." Milton Says

"Every month, Rudy forces us to do these lame promotions down the street from the Black
Dragons to drum up business, but it never works." Jack complained

"He's probably preparing his latest desperate attempt to spread the word about, The Bobby Wasabi Dojo." Kim Says

They all heard the sound of an engine revving, a large monster truck parked in front of them as they looked up to see Rudy in the drivers seat.

"Behold Wasab-a-Saurus!" He shouted into a blow horn, "If you think this thing's awesome, well, come check out the monster deals at The Bobby Wasabi Dojo! Dojo... dojo..." Rudy Says

"That is awesome! Rudy, where'd you get this thing?" Milton Asked

"I rented it at Bed, Bath, and Monster Trucks." He answered, "And by parking out here in front of the Black Dragon Dojo, people will be talking about us instead of them." Rudy explained

"Nice way of marketing I can admit that." Kim Says

"Ooh! Ooh! You guys want me to rev this baby up, get some attention?" Rudy Says

"No!" They all said

"On it!" Rudy Says

He stepped on the gas pedal and the monster truck took off, meanwhile inside the Black Dragon's Dojo Ty is giving a tour to a potential customer.

"I got myself a gift for dealing with my midlife crisis so well. That car outside it's half Jaguar, half Lamborghini, It's a Jag-a-Weenie." Ty Says

Outside in the parking lot Rudy drives The Monster Truck over Ty's Jag-a-Weenie, the five teens mouth dropped as they see their sensei is approaching the black dragon's dojo.

The woman looked past Ty and saw the giant vehicle approaching, she lets out a scream before running away. He turned around to see what she's looking at only to see the monster truck crashing through the dojo, destroying everything.

"Look what you did to my dojo!" Ty yelled out

"You should see what I did to your Jag-a-Weenie." Rudy Says, as Ty glared at him angrily.


The next day after hearing about the incident, Bobby arrived to speak with Rudy.

"Rudy put his foot on the gas, lost control, and destroyed their dojo." Sam explained

"Sam, why don't you go play with your friends?" Rudy Says

"I don't have any friends." Sam Says

"Then do what I do and make some up." Rudy Says, shoving him away.

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