Kung Fu Cop

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Jack meets up with the rest of the wasabi gang because he has news to tell them.

"I got it, guys I got it the line at gameplayer was a mile long but I didn't get any sleep, but it was worth it. I am the proud owner of "Kung fu cop
77." Jack Says Holding up a video game

"Nice!" They Say

"I know what you have to go through when there's a hot new game on the market, I had to wait two hours when "French horn hero" Came out." Milton Says

"There was a line for "French horn hero"?" Abigail Says

"No, there was a line of jocks waiting to see who was gonna buy it." Milton Says

"Hey, guys." Kim Says Walking by

"Hey, Kim." They Say

"Yo, Eddie, I heard Stacy wiseman in your gym class. Really likes you." Jerry Says

"She likes me? I'm gonna ask her out." Eddie Says

"Do you even know who she is?" Jack Asks

"No, but she's a girl and that's my type." Eddie Says

"Don't ask me how I know, 'cause I'm not revealing my sources. Let's just say I know people I'm dialed in." Jerry Says

"He accidentally walked into the girls' bathroom and heard her talking." Kim Says

"Whatever, Kim. My point is I had my ear to the ground." Jerry Says

"You had your ear to the ground because security tackled you for being in the girls' bathroom." Kim Says

Kim takes off her scary and puts it in her locker, they all look down at the necklace she's wearing.

"Whoa, Kim, that necklace is the ugliest, Creepiest thing I've ever seen in my life. Can I have it?" Jerry Says

"No, you can't have it." She smack his hand. "My aunt francie gave me some of her jewelry from the 70's. She's staying with us so I have to wear it. She calls this necklace "The dragon's eye" and says it has magical powers." Kim Says

"That's pretty cool." They Say

"She also says she's engaged to the Paul revere statue at the library." Kim Says

"Oh." They Say

"All right, time for gym class. - I'm gonna show Stacy wiseman what I've got." Eddie Says As He Rips off his pants revealing his short shorts

"Eddie Come on." Abigail Says

"My mom says I'm not gonna have these legs forever, so baby I'm gonna use them." Eddie Says


Eddie and Jack walks into the dojo where everyone else is, Jack looks very exhausted.

"Well, I got to first base with Stacy wiseman." Eddie Says

"I told you my sources were right." Jerry Says

"Not exactly we were playing softball, I asked her out, and she hit me with first base but turns out she likes Steve Hubbard." Eddie Says

"That's the guy who stole my bike." Milton Says

"Why do girls always go for bad boys?" Eddie Asks

"Because sometimes they give them bikes that used to belong to other people." Milton Says

"Or maybe we like bad boys because they ooze Attractiveness, Confidence, and Can-do Attitude also-" They boys look at her. "Not that there's anything wrong with good guys of course." Abigail Says As Rudy enters covering his face

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