Rowdy Rudy

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Jerry and Eddie are sparing with Jack looking over them. Abigail and Kim walks out the bathroom and sees Jerry pinching Eddie's arm.

"Hey, hey, stop!" Jack Says

"What was that?" Eddie Asks

"The atomic claw. Whoo!" Jerry Says

"That is not a martial arts move, It's an appetizer at the lobster barn." Jack Says

"It's a pro wrestling move, dude. You know who uses it?" Jerry Says

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and go with the wrestler called the atomic claw." Jack Says

Kim laughs "Oh please you know wrestling's fake, right?"

"Whoa whoa whoa, there is nothing fake about the claw's claw, okay? It's 100 % bionic with robotic titanium fingers that can crush a man's skull." Jerry Says

"It's a catcher's mitt wrapped in aluminum foil." Abigail Says

"So I guess you guys aren't going to the wrestle frenzy this weekend." Jerry Says

"Of course we're going." Jack Says

"We wouldn't miss it." Abigail & Kim Says

"Can we get back to sparring?" Eddie Asks

"Let's go...All right, you ready? Go!" Jack Says

Jerry throws a kick at Eddie but he dodged it and turns him around quickly, holding onto Jerry's ears as he screams.

"Whoa! What are you doing? Stop! That is crossing the line, dude you do not touch another man's ears. Ever!." Jerry Says

Rudy walks out from his office. "What are you guys doing?"

"He gave me the atomic claw so I gave him the Russian lobe lock." Eddie Says

"So I go into my office for 10 minutes, and you guys just goof off?" Rudy Says

"Sorry, Rudy we're just pumped about wrestle frenzy coming to town." Jerry Says

"What is it with you kids and this wrestling stuff? If I wanted to see giant sweaty freaks pounding on each other, I'd go home for thanksgiving. I don't need this today." Rudy Says

"Geez What happened?" Abigail Asks

"Well I don't know let me see, my cat needs feline braces, And I had to help my mother's man friend Because his nose was stuck in a bowling ball." Rudy Says

"How do you get--" Kim Says

"By playing a game called "I bet I can fit my nose in that." Rudy Says


Milton and Julie are at Phil's enjoy lunch together.

"I loved the museum but the prehistoric display was lame. you could tell the cavemen were just department store mannequins." Julie Says

"That explains why the Neanderthals were wearing high heels." They Laugh "Holding hands with you at the museum is nice." Milton Says

"About that, I was thinking it's time for us to go to the next level." Julie Says

" I think we're doing good." Milton Says

"And my friend Annie told me the next level is scary at first, But then it's really fun." Julie Says

"Yeah, that's-- oh, boy am I late for my dentist thing. I got-- bye. - Oh, excuse me." Minton leaves

"Milton? Milton!" Julie Says

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