Dojo Day Care

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Jerry is in the principal's office, He places a box on his desk and it's of everything jerry has done to land him in trouble.

"Well I've been going through your files, and uh... I can tell you... you are one sick... twisted individual. How in the world did you get a donkey in to Mrs. Sherman's car?" Principal Says As Jerry chuckles

"The real question is how did I get it to drive?" Jerry Says

"I'm not like the others, Jerry you've met your match." Principal Says

"Oh, really well, I posted what I did to you on the Internet. It's got 14 million hits type in "Principal wigs out" Jerry Says

"Internet Internet what you did to me? This is a career buster." He Starts typing rapidly on the computer and the video plays

"I'm gonna turn on the helicopter camera now get it." Jerry Says

In the video someone is recording the video, A toy helicopter flys over the principal's head and takes his wig off and all the students laugh as he tries to get it back.

"Oh! It's over, Jerry pack up your locker you're going downtown to Charlie Brown!" Principal Says

"I don't even know what that means." Jerry Says

"You are expelled!" Principal Says

"What? No Expelled?" Jerry Says

"You're out of here, mister!" His Cell phone rings "Oh, excuse me that's my cell phone ah oh, it's... it's the wife. Yes, what is it, Dot? What?! Oh but tonight is the Flamenco Dancing Finals! Get... get, get. Charlie Brown." Jerry Sighs and walks out the door "Look, this is our last chance to... to stick it to the Rosenbaums Well, where am I gonna find a babysitter at the last minute?" Jerry comes back "Oh... oh. Yes, dear yes all right." Principal Says

"You know, I might be able to help you out with your little sitter sitch." Jerry Says

"I'm listening go on." Principal Says

"I happen to work at the best child day care in the city. They're booked solid, but I could get you in but I guess I'm expelled, so, you know, never mind. Oh, tell the Rosenbaums I said Mazel tov on their victory." Jerry Says

"Wait! Look, uh... You get my son Byron in that day care center and, uh, well, we can... we can forget about you being expelled." Principal Says

"Deal." Jerry says then does an impressive spin

"Whoa nice ice moves, Hey do you Flamenco?" Principal Asks As he starts playing Flamenco music

"Before I could walk, my father taught me the dance of the fiery legs." Jerry Says

"Flame on, brother." Principal Says

Jerry and the principal begins flamencoing together, one of the teachers comes in and see's them then she leaves.


The mall is undergoing some changes, theirs construction men and women working as Jack, Milton, Eddie and Abigail walks by.

"Man, I can't believe how much bigger they're making the Mall." Jack Says

"You know, we really shouldn't be here without hard hats." Eddie Says

"And Why is that?" Abigail Asks

"You see that guy way up there eating his lunch? He drops a potato chip from that height, it'll cut you in half." Eddie Says

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