Skate Rat

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The kids are watching Randy skate in the courtyard, He skates pass a "No Skating" sign.

"Whoo! Go, Randy!" Kim Says

"Yeah!" Jack Says

"Come on, Randy!" Abigail Says

"Come on, buddy!" Jerry Says

Randy skates off the side of a bench then lands perfectly on the ground, they clap for him.

"Yeah! Way to go, randy." Jack Says

"Whoo! All right, come on, milton, you got this." Jerry Says

"Yeah, hang in there, milton." Abigail Says

"Let's go, Milton you're about to shatter your old record." Kim Says

Eddie is pushing Milton on the skateboard, he's pushing very slowly then he gets off.

"What a rush! The wind in my hair The adrenaline pumping." Milton Says

"Dude, your skating's a joke." Randy Says

"The sweet air I caught when I ran over that pebble was no joke." Milton Says

"That pebble was my pinky toe." Eddie Says

"All right, Jack, let's see what you can do." Jerry Says

"Yeah, man i've got some moves I've been working on." Jack Says

He picks up his board and right before he's about to skate Joan appears.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Mm-hmm." They All Groan "What do you think you're doing? I'll take this." Joan Says

"Oh, come on, Joan."Jack Says

"I'm sorry, but I've got a job to do." She takes off her uniform, revealing her second outfit "And it's to teach you punks how to shred. Huh? Check it This skate rat can grind it like a coffee bean. And whoo!" Joan Says

She begins riding the skateboard pretty impressively, everyone looks on in shock. She rides off the table onto the chair, flipping it onto its back landing safely on the ground.

"That was sweet! Good thing my boss, Mr.Peters, didn't see that we call him rat face Hey, ratface. Ooh! Mr. Peters, I was just doing a little undercover sting operation I like to call operation undercover... sting operation anyone caught skateboarding will be banned from this mall. 'prende?!" Joan Says then leaves

"What? Great! First the skatark closes, and now we can't skate here." Jack Says

"Fine they may ban our boards, but they'll never ban our spirit." He gets back on the board "Eddie." Milton Says

"Oh yeah." Eddie Says Then begins pushing him again


All of the gang is at karate practice warming up and stretching.

"Come on, guys we gotta think, there's gotta be another place we can skateboard." Jack Says

"Well, there's that paved path we cathrough the cemetery." Jerry Says

"That's not gonna happen with my deliciously plump brain, I'm considered grade-a zombie bait." Milton Says

"Look, when I was a kid, we didn't need skateparks. We used to make games like "What's that smell?" Or "Whose hair is this?" Or "Why is that wet?" Rudy Says

"Look, we just need a place to skate." Kim Says

"I don't even understand why skateboarding's so cool. When I was in school, the only person who was into it was a kid named Luke Sampson." Rudy Says

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