Dude Where's My Sword

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Jack is showing everyone his brand new Bo-Staff routine.

"Yeah!" They Say

"Wow, Jack, Your new bo staff routine is awesome." Eddie Says

"Thanks, man." Jack Says

"You know what I say about bo staffs? Bo-ring Swords is where it's at, bro." Jerry Says swinging the staff

"Oh, so you know how to use a sword?" Jack Asks

"I've been practicing with the attachments on my mom's vacuum cleaner. In one move I can whack the ceiling fan down And suck the curtains off the wall." Jerry Says

"Well, that katana sword that Rudy loves so much is right there." Milton Says

"Yeah, give it a shot, Jerry." Abigail Says

"Uh... Yeah yeah, I'll-- I'll give it a shot. You know, I'm not sure the thing's as balanced as well as my mom's vacuum cleaner and there's no brush on the end of it, But I'll give it a shot." Jerry Says

"Hey, Jerry." He Enters "Whatcha doing?" Rudy Says

"Uh, just airing out the pits." Jerry Says

"Well, let me be clear No one touches my katana." Rudy Says

Inside Rudy's Office Sobs are head, the door opens and it's Bobby Wasabi.

"Bobby, what's wrong?" Rudy Asks

"Rudy, I didn't get the part in that movie." Bobby Says

"I'm sure the part was just wrong for you." Rudy Says

" It was to play Bobby in "The Bobby Wasabi Story." He Says

"Well, maybe there's another part for you." Rudy Says

"- I'm Bobby." He Says

"Oh." Rudy Says


Rudy and Bobby are eating some falafel balls as he cry's after not getting the part.

"It's over my movie career is over, I have nothing left, Except my eight houses, 40 dojos And a toilet carved out of a giant ruby." Bobby Says

"You think my life is perfect? My girlfriend broke up with me three months ago. She said I didn't pay enough attention to her. I miss Jenny." Rudy Says

"Her name was Carol." Bobby Says

"Whatever her name was, I miss her." Rudy Says

"It's okay, Rudy Let's get our cry on." Bobby Says

He and Bobby starts crying, everyone in the restaurant notices and Phil walks over.

"Rudy, I need you and your mustache bear man to stop crying. I'm trying to have a happy hour." Phil Says As He tears up a bit

"what's wrong with you?" Rudy Asks

"I haven't had a day off in 17 years, everything is work work work." Phil Says

"We have to take our lives back, Go some place where men can be men." Rudy Says

"The sauna." Bobby Says

"I'm in." Phil Says

"I'm talking about really taking our lives back, You know, going out on the open road. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna get on some hogs and ride." Rudy Says

"That's brilliant-- a pig rodeo." Phil Says

"I'm talking about motorcycles." Rudy Says

"Pigs on motorcycles? It's getting wild up in here." Phil Says

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