Buddy Guards

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Abigail, Milton and Eddie are busy training with the bo-staff as Rudy meditates in front of them.

"Ohm. Ohm. Ohm Ohm." Rudy Says

Realizing that he wants their attention, Abigail rolls her eyes and walks over to Rudy.

"I got this one..what are you doing?" Abigail Asks

"I'm becoming one with the universe I am now a master of meditation." Rudy Says

"Okay..Since when?" Abigail Asks

"Since I got this magical meditation ring. It changes colors with my mood been in my family for three generations. Uh-oh. That's not good. I think that green color means I'm gassy." Rudy Says

"It just turned blue." Milton Says

"Yeah, it did..Come on, guys. Sit Enjoy my new meditation zone. I got a waterfall, my bonsai tree. I even installed a speaker directly above the mat so I
can listen to my meditation music time to transcend." Rudy Says

He presses a button for the music and loud rock music plays.

"Gezz that's loud!" Milton Says

"No Kidding." Eddie Says

"What the heck was that?!" Rudy Says

"Kung fu lightning." Jack Says

"Greatest band of all time." Jerry Says

"Yeah we were listening to their new album on your stereo. Sorry." Rudy Says

"Well, get it out of there and put my meditation cd back in." Rudy Says

"Hey Isn't kung fu lightning doing a concert here in seaford?" Abigail Says

"Oh, yes, they are and we're gonna stand in line for as long as it takes to get tickets." Jerry Says

"My mom won't let me go to concerts unless the characters are in big padded suits and on ice skates." Eddie Says

"Wait I thought we were hanging out tonight, remember?" Abigail Says

"Oh I'm sorry Abs can we go out another time, Jack and I have been planning this for weeks please?" Jerry Says

"Sure why not go on." Abigail Says as Jerry kisses her cheek

"All right, we'll see you guys later." Jack Says

"Take it easy." Eddie Says

Abigail turns around blushing and Eddie & Milton looks at her.

"What?" Eddie & Milton make kissy faces at her "Oh Shut up." Abigail Says As They laugh

"Come on, guys let's get a corn dog." Milton Says

"Okay." Eddie & Abigail Says

"Finally, I can meditate in peace and become one with my chi." He Starts playing meditation music "What was that?" His Speaker falls from the ceiling and onto his head "Ow! I think I just became one with my speaker." Rudy Says


Jack & Jerry are waiting on the line for the concert tickets.

"Dude, I am a way bigger kung fu lightning fan than you.Oh you see this? Izzy g*n's guitar pick I bought it online." Jack Says

"Man, that's nothing you remember when he missed that concert because he had to get his appendix out?" Jerry Says

"Mm-hmm." Jerry takes something out his pocket
"Is that Izzy's appendix?" Jack Says

"You're not the only one who shops online." Jerry Says

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