A Slip Down Memory Lane

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Jack is busy breaking boards until Rudy tests him to break four bricks, He sets them up and Jack takes in a huge breath then proceeds to break all four of them.

"Hiyah!" Jack Says

"Oh! Yeah!" Rudy Says

"Did it again, I am on fire! Fire!" Jack Says

"More bricks, Eddie." Eddie starts stacking up some more bricks "Okay, just think, in a couple of hours, Jack is gonna break the world record for most bricks broken by anyone under 15." Rudy Says

"And I'm breaking a world record too, for most bricks wheelbarrowed from one place to another. Right, Rudy?" Eddie Says

"Yes, you are." Rudy Says

As Eddie walked away Rudy looks back at Kim, Abigail and Jack then mouths "No." Kim looks through the record book and gets Jacks attention.

"Some of the records in this book are crazy, there was a woman in Michigan who ate her own car
come look at this picture." Kim Says

"Wow she literally has a trunk in her junk." Jack Says

"Would you let him focus, Kim? The Judge from the Burgess Book of World Records is gonna be here in a few hours." Rudy Says

"He's right this is my last chance to break the record. After I 15 turn next week, I won't be eligible." Jack Says stacking up the bricks

"You know...you getting your name and, more importantly, this dojo's name in that record book. Is like the biggest thing that's ever happened to us." Rudy Says

"Come on, Rudy. The biggest?" Abigail Says

"When I became a Sensei, I had two goals...saving the President from a ninja attack. And getting my dojo's name in a record book that's read by millions of people on their toilets." Rudy Says

"I'm out!" Kim Says after dropping the book into the garbage

"Kim was reading that." Abigail Says

The dojo doors open as Milton and Jerry enters, Jerry is wearing a red track suit and takes off him sunglasses.

"What up, yo? Record breaker in the house." Jerry Says

"What record are you gonna break?" Abigail Asks

"A record I've been training for my whole life. Yeah, world's longest armpit hair. Check it." Jerry Says

He takes off his hoodie and his massive arm pit hair peeps though, Jack, Abigail and Rudy's mouth drop.

"Wow, that is pretty long." Rudy Says

"Please." Jerry chuckles, opening his arms showing his arm pit hairs full length as they are braided

"Oh, sweet pit hair!" Jack Says

""I know, right?" Jerry Says

"Ooh, it's so soft, what conditioner do you use?" Rudy Asks

"Don't expect any hugs from me anytime soon." Abigail Says

"And I'm gonna smash the yo-yo record for the, two-handed synchronized round-the-world, baby. Check this out." Milton Says

He rolls out both his Yo-yo's and swings them around but they get caught in Jerry's pits. Milton pulls them back but he pulls off Jerry's pit hair as well. Milton see's he's pissed off and runs as Jerry chases him.


Kim and Abigail are helping Joan along with everyone else, set up for the "Burgess World Record" competition.

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