Wax On Wax Off

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The Wasabi gang are competing in the all wasabi karate invitational, Everyone has gone except for Kim and Jack.

Kim and Her opponent are going head to head, She kicks at Kim but she dodges it. Kim throws some of her own kicks at her but she blocks them, Kim throws one final kick at her knocking her down scoring a point.

"Winner." Referee Says 

"Yes!" They Say

"Kim, you just won a match in the All Wasabi Invitational, This has to be the most amazing moment of your life." Rudy Says

"- Actually, when you see my sister first birth..." Kim Says

"Boring." Rudy Says

"Great Job Kim." Abigail Says

"Thanks." Kim Says

"It's all tight up. If we win the last match, we're the number Dojo in the Bobby Wasabi chain. Jack, you're up. Are you ready?" Rudy Says

"Well yeah but... I thought Bobby Wasabi was gonna be here." Jack Says

"People, Bobby can't show up every once." A Ninja hits a gong. "Or he's here now." Bobby wasabi enters the dojo on a Segway scooter. "Bobby, welcome." Rudy Says

- I'm sorry. I... I was hoping to slip in unnoticed. So... How much is my Pittsburgh dojo winning by, huh?" Bobby Says As he sits in his thrown

"Whoa whoa whoa, for your information, we're kicking butt." Jerry Says

"Oh, that's rich, almost as rich as my labradoodle will be when I die." He Laughs "Seriously, you're... you're winning?" Bobby Says

"If we win this last match." Rudy Says

"Well, let's do this!" Bobby Says

"Jack, you can do this. You want to know why there's a heat wave outside? Because you're on ♪fire!" Rudy Says

"Fire! Celebrities first!" Bobby Says

Everyone starts to panic and make a leave out the dojo. "Wait wait wait, no fire. Just a pep talk."

"Oh well, ahem... Before the match begins, I have an announcement. This month there will be an article on the principles of the Wasabi code. In "karatefancy" magazine! The winning dojo will receive a gift from me. and the winning Sensei will appear on the cover with me." Bobby Says

"Do you guys know what this means? If I'm on the cover with Bobby, People will finally know how great I am." They Look at him. "And humble." Rudy Says

"Ho hoo, this is going to be exciting. Evan, sausage me." Bobby Says

Evan grabs a sausage and tosses it at him, The other Ninjas catches it with ease in a bun and gives it to Bobby.

"You got this, Jack." Abigail Says

"Let's go, Jack." Rudy Says

"Fight!" Referee Says

Jacks opponent comes at him with some side kicks and punches but he blocks them, He kicks Jack hard sending him down but Jack blocked it. He gets back up, Jack comes at him with some more kicks and punches, as he goes to block Jack's punch he hits him with a spinning back kick and Jack won the match.

"Winner!" Referee Says

"Yeah!" They Say

"We did it, we won!" Rudy Says

The group of friends all celebrate with one another by hugging and high fiving one another.

"Whoo! Come on, Rudy, on our shoulders once around the dojo." Milton Says

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