Kickin It In China

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Eddie, Jerry, Milton and Abigail walks to table near Jack carrying Chinese food.

"Boy, this chinese food is terrible." Eddie Says

"Well, what'd you expect from a place called "the scabby dragon"?" Abigail Says

"I'll take one of these fortune cookies hard to mess them up. "you are about to embark on an exciting journey." Jack Says

"Oh sweet, dude that's a good one." Jerry Says

"These fortunes are just a dumb gimmick to take your mind off how the cookies look and taste like an old man's ear." Jack Says

"I can't tell you how I know this, But they taste nothing like an old man's ear. "A surprise will fall from the sky." Eddie Says

"Your carelessness will harm a friend." Milton Says

"A New Voyage will fill your life with new memories and feelings." Abigail Says

lYou have a nose for trou—" Jerry Says

"Sound it out." Abigail Says

"Trouble." Jerry Says

They nods and begins eating, Eddie hears something and looks up.

"Aw, check out that squirrel up there, cute little fella." It falls on him "Get it off!"

Milton helps Eddie get the squirrel off but he elbows Jerry in the face.

"Dude, chill. Oh!" Jerry Says As Abigail checks on him

"You Okay?" Abigail Asks

"No..Abigail am I bleeding?" Jerry Asks

"Wait a minute. "a surprise will fall from the sky." Eddie Says

"I will harm a friend." Milton Says

"And my nose is definitely in trouble." Jerry Says

"Guys, you're not gonna believe this! Jack just found out he's going to China!" Kim Says

"The journey." Milton Says

"The cookies." Eddie Says

"Whoa!" They Say


"I cannot believe this. I am going to the Junior World Martial Arts Championships in China!" Jack Says

"I was gonna go, but I'm not what they call, you know, Good." Milton Says

"Guys, I've been dreaming about this tournament since I got in the martial arts How did this happen?" Jack Says

"Mm, I may know how it happened. I might have taken it upon myself to write a letter about a certain student and possibly sent it to, oh I don't know, China." Rudy Says

"Dude, this is important try to remember did you do it or not?" Jerry Asks

"Of course I did it. Jack's amazing. He's undefeated. He's never lost a match in his life." Rudy Says

"Rudy, Can I talk to you outside for a second?" Jack Says

Jack, Rudy, Kim and Jack leaves. Eddie comes over to them with cups.

"Guys, this fortune cookie thing is freaking me out. Every one of them came true." Jerry Says

"I don't know Jerry, maybe it's a coincidence...I mean mine didn't come true." Abigail Says

"She's right Jerry It's scientifically impossible for a piece of paper in a random pastry to predict the future." Milton Says

"There's one left." Eddie Says

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