Eddie Cries Uncle

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The Wasabi gang are all playing basketball on the court against the other team, Milton is blocking another player from passing.

"Welcome to your worst nightmare you can't go over... You can't go around... Ah! I said you can't go around!" Milton Says

The guy passes the basketball to his teammate and he shoots the ball in the net scoring a point.

"Oh! Time-out, guys. Come on, time-out. Time-out."Whistle blows "All right, the good news is we've already got our highest score of the year." Jack Says

"That's right... nine!" Kim Says

"Yeah..Woo!" They Say

"We got time for one more shot, what do you say we go out with style?" Jack Says

"Oh, yeah yeah, give me the ball. I'm feeling it, man!" Jerry Says

"Dude You haven't scored in five games." Abigail Says

"Do not give me the ball, I'm not feeling it, man!" Jerry Says

"Well, I can't take it i've had four guys covering me all game and one of them is Jerry." Jack Says

"No one's guarding me I wanted to be part of something." Jerry Says

"I don't want that germ-infested ball Did you see what number 11 was scratching before he shot his last free throw?" Milton Says

"Well, I guess it's time for me to pull out some of the old Globetrotter magic." Eddie Says

"That's great you're going to do some of your uncle's moves?" Abigail Says

"Who's his uncle?" Kim Asks

"Only Big Easy one of the biggest stars of the Harlem Globetrotters." Eddie Says

"Are you kidding? I love those guys." Kim Says

"All right, it's settled. Eddie's getting the ball and I'll cover Jack..Woo!" Jerry Says

"Eddie, remember, let's go out with style." Jack Says

"Style, my man. Let's get it, woo!" Jerry Says

Jack passes the ball to Eddie meanwhile Milton, Kim and Abigail are guarding the other teams player to give Eddie some room , he shoot's the ball and it misses the net then hits the fire alarm and everyone evacuates.

"Okay, everybody, remain calm there will be no panic." Marge the lunch lady shoves him "No run... oh!" Milton Says

"Too much style?" Eddie Asks

"Are you kidding me? Now that's how you lose a basketball game! Woo!" Jack Says



Jack, Kim, Jerry and Abigail are on line getting their lunch, Marge puts food on Jerry's tray and he grimaces.

"Uh... Is this brown stuff pudding or gravy?" Jerry Asks

"Yes." Marge Says

Eddie walks on line meeting up with them, Jack quickly hugs him.

"Hey, great game, dude." Jack Says

"Yeah, what's up, man?" Jerry Asks

"What can I say I'm a showman like Big Easy." Eddie Says

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