Witless Protection

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Rudy began to tell his students a scary story
pointing his flashlight at him, as the dojo was dark but remained lit by the small fire surrounded them all, at this campsite they've made.

"The babysitter thought she was safe, but what she didn't know was..." Rudy Says, as he trailed on.

"Was what?" Jerry Asked, voice trembling in fear.

"The clown with the chainsaw was watching her from..." Rudy Says, dramatically.

"From where?!" Jerry Asked again

Rudy turns off his flashlight and looks down and lifts his head quickly up, turning back on the flashlight revealing a red clown nose, "Inside the house!"

Jerry let's out a horrified scream shoving Rudy off his log, clutching onto Abigail who's nearby tightly.

"Okay, that's it. I'm putting an end to this fake camp-out." Kim Says, turning the lights back on.

"Aw." Rudy Says

"Jerry the lights are back on, which means you can let go." Abigail Says, as he does so.

"Sorry." Jerry Says

"Hey, there is nothing fake about our camp-out,
now turn the fire back on." Rudy Says

"Rudy, if you just apologized to the Park Ranger,
maybe he'll let us back into the Seaford Campground." Jack Says

"I am not apologizing to anybody." Rudy Scoffed

"Rudy, you hit him repeatedly with your canoe paddle." Abigail pointed out

"I thought a bear was attacking my boat! If you're that hairy, you should not be swimming in public." Rudy Says

"Why don't I get everyone in the mood with
some good, old-fashioned campfire songs?" Milton Says, smiling as everyone groaned.

"Please don't." Kim spoke up, as Milton takes out his guitar.

"Oh..she'll be coming around the mountain when..." Milton began to strum on his guitar, but Kim stopped him and threw his guitar away.

"Well, you got farther into the song than last year." Jack pointed out

"Yeah." Abigail Says, patting Milton on the shoulder.

"Oh, that's very true." Jerry Says

"Well I'm outta here." Kim Says, as she stood to her feet as everyone got up as well.

"Me too."

"I'm out."


"See ya."

"No! Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! See, you know, I knew you city slickers wouldn't last out here in the wild. That's why I did what any responsible camp counselor would do." Rudy Says

"Which is?" Kim Asked, impatiently.

"I Padlocked the door and swallowed the key." Rudy Says

"What?!" They all cried out, rushing towards the locked doors as their sensei laughs.

"Settle in, campers! It's gonna be three days
before we see that key again. Yeah well, two if I eat
a fiber bar." Rudy Says

"You guys know this technically is kidnapping right." Abigail Says

"Yep." They Replied

"Oh Just making sure what to tell the cops in three days." Abigail Says

Soon the sound of the alarm is heard, outside in the courtyard a bunch of men wearing all black is seen running pass the dojo with items in their hands.

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