Chapter 17

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I went to Luther's house and started to snap other vampire's necks left and right until Luther came out from his bedroom. "Are you crazy?" He asked.

"Maybe," I replied. He grabbed me by my neck, but before he could get a tighter grip I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. I wanted to gag, but I had to keep character. I had to get into Luther's bedroom and to his computer. He lifted me up and took me off to his room just as I wanted. I began to kiss down his neck before I took a huge bite out and threw spit it out. "That should knock you out for a bit," I said as he fell to the ground and passing out. I'd give it about 2 minutes since I spit vervain to his throat. Vervain was extremely hard to find considering it goes by the name verbena and not people sell it anymore. Thanks to Matt and his family we were able to get hold of it. I went into his contacts looking at every vampire that he had ever turned. If he died then they all did. Crap, there goes his death, but no one said. I couldn't bury him alive. I smiled wickedly and opened up his mouth added more vervain. "That's for taking away my life," I said. I stood up and printed out the list of vampires. I had to give Matt's family some type of reward for helping me out. I walked out of the room shutting the door behind me. "Wher's Luther?" Blaine asked.

"Sleeping," I said. He pushed past me and saw Luther unconscious on the ground and I jabbed a syringe filled with vervain into his neck. He immediately fell to the ground and Victoria was soon next to me. "Grab your father," I said. She nodded and Adam came and grabbed Luther. "Your good," Victoria said.

"Be careful. Both of you." I said caressing both of their faces.

"I will," Victoria said.

"You too," Adam said before following Victoria. I texted Claire and she was to alert Matt. When I walked outside Matt was standing outside leaning on his car waiting for me. "Hey," I said.

"Ready to kill?" He asked.

"I never thought I'd be able to answer that, but yes," I said. Matt loaded a gun and tossed it to me. I easily caught it and Matt smirked at me. "You getting in or what?" He asked. He walked over to the driver side and got in and I got into the passenger side. I don't know why, but Matt gave me this feeling that made me feel like a silly little school girl. Something that Stew used to make me feel like until life got real between us. Starting with the top of the vampire ladder was bold, but that's exactly what I was, BOLD. I went into my pocket and handed Matt the list of vampire names before I forgot. "I thought you'd give it to them yourself." He said.

"If I don't make it out," I said.

"Don't even say that. You, Adam, Victoria, Claire and I will all get out together." He said.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just know. We're all going to look out for each other. Deal." He said offering his hand to me. "Deal," I said taking his hand in my own and I felt hose butterflies that you feel when your a kid holding hands with your crush.

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