Wednesday January 12th

353 6 5

Author's Note: Hi everyone! Here's an update but this chapter is very informational so there's not much tickling. Hope u still enjoy it!

"Welcome to Just For Kids!!"Daniel, the tour guide we met up with at Just For Kids, announced as he lead us inside. The first thing I noticed about Just For Kids is that it looks like a huge theme park. If I didn't know any better, I would think I'm about to enter Six Flags. I took a hold of Aiden's hand and we both followed Daniel and Aiden's mom into famous Just For Kids that I've been hearing all about. As I entered, there were a bunch of buildings with names I wasn't familiar with. "So Alaina, are you moving here permanently?" Daniel asked and I nodded, still in awe of my surrounding.  "Yes I'm moving in with Aiden." I told him, causing Aiden to squeeze my hand in his. "You're going to love it here. Our first stop on the tour is homeroom." He said, leading us into a building that is called "Tweens." "This is where Aiden's parents will drop you off in the morning. It's specific to ages 13-16. From what I understand, Alaina is 13 and Aiden is 15 correct?" He asked and we both nodded. The inside of the building looked kind of like a school at first. There was someone sitting at the front desk and everything. However, when we went into the main room, it looked like a huge, comfy living room. There were huge comfy and colorful couches surrounding the room with the softest pillows I've ever seen on them. There was a huge TV screen on one of the walls and one section of the room looked like a kitchen. Not to mention, the room was huge. The carpet also looks soft and homey. It also looked like a bunch of bags were hanging in one corner of the room. "So in the mornings, your teachers will have you all gather here. They will usually play a game of some sorts with you all which is always fun, right Aiden?" Daniel asked. I looked at Aiden and he smirked and nodded. He almost looked like he was trying to hold in laughter. "Yeah we're going to make a lot of crazy memories here." Aiden said with a smile. "Exactly. THere's a room in the back where you will put your bags and things into cubbies also. Then once everyone has arrived, they usually do announcements and explain what you will all be doing that day." Daniel explained and I nodded. "Do we ever have homework?" I asked and Daniel shook his head no. "Not really. The most they will do is send home permission slips, which is more so homework for Aiden's mom." He explained, making Aiden's mom laugh. "I did have a question also though. When is the next field trip and will Alaina be allowed to go? We're not sure when her room will be finished but I want her to get acclimated to this world sooner rather than later." Aiden's mom asked. "Yes of course! The next field is actually meant to be a surprise though so we can talk in secret about that later. It's likely that Alaina will already be here by then though." He said, making wonder what the field trip could be. "What kinds of trip do we go on here?" I asked. "It could be anything really but it's always always fun." Aiden said.

Daniel continued to show us around, showing me that there was so many things we could do at Just For Kids without even leaving! There was an Animal Kingdom where we could play with and interact with baby animals, a water park, a spa, a huge playground (definitely the biggest one I've ever seen), and so much more! They even have a fairy land, which I think is so cool personally! Apparently that's considered normal here.

"So what did you think of JFK Alaina?" Aiden's mom asked me as we drove back to my future home. (JFK is short for Just For Kids) "I think that Earth schools suck." I said, making Aiden and his mom laugh. "I tried to tell you." Aiden smirked. "I will warn you Alaina, as you know Aiden is extremely playful and JFK is the perfect place for him to be able to tease you A LOT!" She said, making me giggle and making Aiden smirk. "Even more than he already does? I don't see how that's possible." I told her. "Oh trust me. It is." Aiden teased, poking my sides.


"99%?!" I exclaimed as Aiden and I looked at the loading screen in completely shock. "Oh my gosh! That means you might be moving in tomorrow!"Aiden exclaimed, picking me up and spinning me around, which made me giggle of course. Then suddenly he stops and puts me down. "Oh wait that means you need to go." Aiden said, all of a sudden getting serious. "What, why?" I asked. "There's some things I have to do before you move in." He said. "Like what?" I asked. "I can't tell you." He smirked. "But you have to go. Like now!" He said, grabbing my hand and teleporting me back to Earth. Once we were back, he gave me a quick kiss before vanishing before my eyes. What is this surprise that he's working so hard to keep a secret?!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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