Saturday, January 8th Part 2

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"Alaina! You're even more red than before!" Emily's mom says, sitting down as Emily's dad returns with a newspaper in one hand and the butter Emily asked for in the other. They didn't see Aiden! I internally thank God as Emily's parents continue to worry about my blushing. "Alaina, are you sure you're okay?" Emily's dad asked. I sigh, trying to calm my nerves before saying "Yes I'm fine." I crisscross my legs in hopes of protecting at least my feet just in case Aiden is lurking somewhere.. Then, I had an idea on how I could get Aiden back. "I'll feel better as the house gets cooler and when I get some alone time to rest." I say, smirking to myself, knowing fully well that Aiden hears me. "Alone time?" Emily's dad asked. "Yeah. It's always good to just have sometime to yourself, with no one around to annoy you or anything." I said, still smirking. "Oh I hope we aren't annoying you." Emily's mom said. Then, I felt Aiden dig his fingers into my sides and I gasped, biting my lip like crazy to avoid giggling. "Choose your next words very carefully." Aiden whispered into my neck, only making me want to giggle even more. He kept his fingers digging into my sides but didn't move them around so I could talk without giggling. "No of course not. But a certain someone who's name starts with A definitely is." I said. Right after I said that, Aiden dug his fingers even deeper into my sides, resulting in me covering my mouth so I wouldn't giggle. "Ok I think Alaina and I should head upstairs." Emily said, trying to save me from looking crazier than I already looked. "Yeah Alaina you should go and rest." Emily's dad said with a look of concern. I tried to get up but Aiden was still grabbing me. "Emily, help." I whispered, trying super hard not to laugh. Emily pulled my arm off of the chair, effectively getting me away from Aiden, and we both ran upstairs. "Are you crazy?" Emily said to me. "He was taunting me!" I whined. "So you decided to taunt the master of taunting?" She said as we finally reached the top of the steps. "Well when you say it like that..." I said, making her laugh. "Good luck with Aiden! I'll be in my room if you need me." Emily said. "Thanks!" I told her as she walked to her room and I walked to the room I was staying in, the room I knew Aiden would be in. 

When I got to the room, I didn't see him. "Aiden?" I asked, looking around for him. I didn't even have the feeling that he was watching me. All of a sudden, I got a terrible feeling in my stomach. Why would he leave without saying goodbye? I started hoping I didn't upset him. I sat down on the bed after a while and felt myself getting ready to cry. I can't believe I'm about to cry over a guy I just met on Wednesday. A guy who I still hardly know. I hope he still likes me. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.

"I knew you didn't mean it." I heard a voice I know far too well. "Aiden?" I said, looking around. Then, I felt the craziest tickling sensation all over my stomach, resulting in me laughing like crazy. "AIDEN!" I screamed. "I thought you said you wanted alone time. Why were you sad when I gave it to you? And why were you blushing earlier?" He said as he continued to tickle me. I couldn't tell what he was doing since he was invisible at the moment but it's never tickled this much before. "Aiden please! I'm sorry!" I squealed and he finally appeared. He was nibbling my stomach! He did it a little longer and then stopped.

 "Why do I make you blush so much?" He asked me as he crawled on top of me. I was lying down on the bed. "Why do you care?" I asked him. "You should know by now that I care about you more than I care about anyone or anything else." He said and I blushed. "There you go again with the blushing." He said, making me blush again and cover my cheeks. "You know it drives me crazy when you do that." He told me, tickling my sides a little. "Stop it! You're going to make my head explode from all of the blood rushing to my face right now!" I told him honestly and he chuckled. "So tell me, why were you blushing?" He asked. I covered my face and finally decided to admit my feelings. "Well one reason is you keep showering me with compliments." I started. "All I do is say the truth." Aiden said. "Shut up." I told him, even though what he said made me smile like an idiot, and he chuckled. It's as if he never wants my face to return to its normal color. "But a big part of it is I have feelings for you." I admitted. He didn't say anything at first so I got nervous. Then, I felt him put his hand on my wrists and move my hands off of my blushing face. When he did, I saw that he had the biggest grin on his face as he lowered his head to place a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled back as I went in for another kiss. As we kissed, I felt him let go of my wrists, move his hands to my sides, squeeze my sides. I stopped kissing him back and started giggling, trying to take his fingers out of my sides. Even though I was giggling, he still continued to kiss me! 

"Aiden!" I giggled. He was still placing kisses on my lips when he said "Why aren't you kissing me back?" "Aiden I can't! You're tickling me!" I said in between giggles and kisses from Aiden while I tried to push him off. "You don't like me anymore?' he pouted as he continued to tickle and kiss me. "Oh my gosh!" I giggled out and he just laughed at me. "I'll stop when you kiss me back." He said. This guy is impossible! I finally mustered up the strength to kiss him back through my giggles. However, he saw that I was about to and started tickling my hips, making me start to giggle harder. "Aiden! I was about to kiss you!" I squealed. "Really? Why did you stop?" He smirked. "You're evil!" I squealed and he laughed as he finally slowed down and stopped the tickles. "Now can I get that kiss?" He asked. "After what you just pulled? No." I said with a smirk. "Oh come on!" He whined as he went in for a kiss. I immediately turned away. He pouted and went in for another kiss and I turned away again. "Alaina!" He whined as I noticed his face turning red. "Aww! Are you blushing?" I gasped as I pinch his cheek, only making him blush harder. "You're one to talk." He said before he started to slowly squeeze my thighs. "Ok ok! I'll give you a kiss!" I squealed and he chuckled before stopping and leaning in for a kiss which I gladly accepted. 

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