Saturday, January 8th, Part 4

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Quick Author's Note - I am sooo sorry. There's been a lot of family drama lately so I haven't been able to update the stories. Now that things seem to be calming down, I will hopefully be able to update more consistently. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

"You know her?" I said, still very shocked and confused. The little girl stopped giggling and said "I'm Lily, Aiden's little sister."

Aiden has a little sister? Wait, Aiden has family? I didn't even know if he was human to be honest! I actually still don't know if he's human. The little sister seems to have similar powers to Aiden, seeing as she appeared out of thin air. "You have a sister?" I asked and Aiden nodded. "I told you to wait for my signal before you appeared!" Aiden scolded her. "Yeah but that's no fun." She pouted. "You're really pretty." She said, turning to me. I blushed and said "You're even prettier." Then it was her turn to blush. "Lily, this is Alaina. She's my girlfriend." Aiden said, smirking at me. Lily got off of Aiden's back, got closer to me, and then whispered "You know you're out of his league right?" I started laughing in response and Lily joined me. "What? What did she say?" Aiden asked. "None of your business." I said. "Yeah, what she said!" Lily added. She is so cute! "You know what happens when I don't get my way Lily." Aiden said, slowly swimming towards us as we started slowly swimming away from him. "What happens when he doesn't get his way?" I whispered to Lily but she didn't answer me. She looked more nervous than I did but still said "I'm not scared of Mr. Wolf!!"

Who the hell is Mr. Wolf?

"Lily, I'm going to need you to answer my question." I whispered. "He hasn't shown you Mr. Wolf?" Lily whispered back and I shook my head no. "Since you're not scared, I guess I'll call him out then." Aiden smirked before going into the water. "Alaina, we have to get out of the water now!" Lily said as she started swimming super quickly. "Who's Mr. Wolf?" I asked as I followed her. "Alaina, my brother has a lot of unique powers. One of his powers is he can morph into any animal he wants." Lily told me. "He can what?" I squealed as we got out of the water. Just as we did, something appeared out of the water.

That something was a wolf. An actual gray wolf!

"What the hell?" I gasped. "It's Mr. Wolf!! Run!" Lilly squealed.

"THAT'S AIDEN?" I screamed. You can't blame me for being shocked. This is a lot to take in at once. "I'm dating a wolf?" I added and Lily giggled at me. When I screamed that, the wolf, or Aiden, or Mr. Wolf started swimming towards the land. "Yes, that's Aiden! We have to go!" Lilly yelled. I quickly picked her up and started running into the forest. "Mind if I ask what he does when we catches us?" I asked Lily. "He tickles you like crazy." Lily said, making butterflies flutter in my stomach for some reason. "We should have told him." I giggled nervously. "Maybe but this is way more fun!" Lily admitted. She has a good point. Then out of nowhere, a wolf, that I'm assuming is Aiden, pops up in front of me. "Please don't tell me that's Aiden." I whispered to Lilly as she slowly nodded, confirming we've been caught. "Lilly run!" I said, putting her down and allowing her to get away, seeing that I was obviously trapped. Lilly ran away just as Aiden tackled me to the ground. "Please don't hurt me!" I begged, closing my eyes. "Alaina, since when have I ever wanted to hurt you?" He said before I felt him start licking my neck, effectively tickling me. "AIDEN!" I squealed. This tickled even more than it did when he was human! "Aw! Is someone ticklish?" He asked, moving his ticklish licks to my belly, now licking AND nibbling my belly. "OK OK I'M SORRY!"I squealed trying to push him away. "Good for you but if you don't mind, I'm kind of busy tickling my girlfriend." He said, nuzzling my stomach with his nose while he did and then switching back to licking and nibbling. "LILY HELP!" I squealed. Aiden just chuckled and continued to tickle me like crazy, just like his sister said he would. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I heard Lily squeal before she jumped on Aiden's, or Mr. Wolf's, back. Aiden stops tickling me as Lily tries to ride him like a horse. "LILY! GET OFF!" Aiden said, with obvious annoyance in his voice. I've never heard of Aiden being annoyed before. Usually he's the annoying one. 

He sounds kind of cute when he's annoyed too.  She needs to come around more often. 


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