Thursday, January 6th Part 3

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After I get tickled a little by Aiden, he gives me back my shoes and then vanishes again. I use the restroom and then return to class with a big smile on my face. After laughing that hard, it's impossible not to smile. I sit in my seat next to Emily and look at her to see she's already looking at me. "Why is your face so red?" We both ask each other and then we both laugh, knowing exactly why.

"He did what to your feet?" I whispered to Emily as we stood in the lunch line. "He 'massaged' it. It tickled like crazy." She whispered back. "Aiden hasn't tickled my feet yet and I'm thankful. That's where I'm most sensitive." I whispered. "Shut up!" Emily said, smacking me on the back of my head. "Ouch!" I said, rubbing my head. "They might hear you." She whispered, looking around cautiously. "Oh puh-lease. I'll be fine." I told her as we move up in line. "Okay. But don't come running to me when he comes and tickles the life out of your feet and toes." She said and I gulped, making her laugh. "We should have a sleepover this weekend." I offer. Its currently Thursday so that means tomorrow. "Yeah. Then when they show up, we won't be alone." Emily said and we both smiled. "And maybe we can get them back." We both said at the same time and laughed. "But let's be realistic for a second." I said as I typed in my lunch code. "How would be even get them back?" I asked and she thought about it. "Maybe we won't get them back this time around. But eventually, maybe later on in the year, we have to get them back." My stomach flips at the thought of Aiden still being around later on in the year, since it's only February. This is going to be an insane year.

After school, I decide to sit by a friend, Georgia, who is one grade lower than me, on the bus. (She's a 8th grader.) Once I'm called to get off the bus, I say bye to Georgia and rush off so I can make it into my bedroom before Aiden shows up. Right when I closed the front door, I got the feeling that someone was watching. "No!" I squealed and ran up the stairs and to my room. I didn't want to get attacked downstairs and then my dad walks in and I have to explain why I'm laying on the floor with a red face after Aiden disappears. I thankfully make it to my room and immediately, my shoes vanish. "So..." I hear him but I don't see him. I drop my stuff and look around frantically, not moving from the front of my door. "I heard that you have very sensitive feet." He said and I bang my head on my door. "You heard me." I said, sliding down the door and sitting, trying to protect my feet and toes. "I heard everything." He said, appearing with a smirk on his face.

Wait....everything? Including the...

"Apparently you want revenge?" He asked, walking towards me slowly. Oh God. "We were joking!" I said, already giggling because I knew what was coming. "I'm not even tickling you yet and you're already laughing." He said, laughing at me as he got closer. "Aiden please!" I beg and he shakes his head before he quickly lunges for me and places me on the bed. "I wonder what you mean by "sensitive." He said as he sits on my legs, facing my feet. "Please Aiden!" I beg and he chuckles. "You should know by now that I'm not going to stop." Then he starts. Slowly, he begins to trace my feet with his fingers, causing a string of giggles to spill out of me. "Wow, you weren't kidding." He said as he starts doing spiders on the ball of my feet. "Aiden!" I say through my giggles as I bang on his back with my hands. "Yes princess?" He asked innocently as he continues. He then starts to bring his fingers to my toes. "No!" I squealed and thrashed and giggled, trying to get him off of me but it didn't affect him in the slightest. "So, does this mean you're going to get me back for this?" He asked as he tickles me in between my toes. "NO!" I squealed, partly to answer his question and partly because he's tickling my most sensitive spot. "You're just too cute for your own good princess." He said as he chuckles and continues. "Alaina!" I hear my dad yell from downstairs. Immediately, Aiden stops. "Aw, is someone afraid of my daddy?" I mock him, remembering how he stopped yesterday at the same time. He turns to me and smirks before he vanishes.

Or I thought he did but he didn't. Seconds later, right as I sit back up, he begins to poke and tickle my stomach. "Alaina!" My dad calls again. "Stop! I have to answer my dad!" I scolded through my giggles and fall back down, wriggling around like a fish. "Go ahead and respond." He said. I can't see him but yet again, I can tell he's smirking. "Yes dad!" I giggle out. Thankfully, my dad doesn't catch the giggling. Aiden begins to tickle me even more, squeezing my sides and hips. "Just making sure you're home!" He said. "Ok!" I squeal back before giggling again. "Alaina what are you laughing about?" My dad asked, sounding confused. Aiden doesn't let up. "Yeah Alaina. What are you laughing about?" Invisible Aiden teases as he blows a raspberry in my stomach. "I'm watching something on my phone!" I squeal out again, attempting again to get away from Aiden by rolling over but he just starts to tickle my back. "Oh! I never knew you were ticklish here too!" He says before doing spiders all over my back. I squeal and continue giggling. "Ok! Love you!" My dad yells. "Love you too!" I giggle back. Then I hear my dad close his office door. Aiden finally stops and reappears. "You're so annoying." I told him, sitting up and grabbing a pillow to use to cover my stomach. "You're the one who said I'm afraid of your dad. I had to prove you wrong princess." he said as I blushed at the nickname. "You really think this flimsy pillow will protect you from me? I'm practically a tickle monster." He said, smirking at me as he started crawling towards me like he was an animal. "You are a tickle monster." I giggled back. "Oh am I?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "You tickle me all the time!" I told him and he smirked. "It's not my fault you have such a beautiful laugh." He said and I blush as I lift the pillow up to cover my face.. I hear him chuckle before he starts tickling my waist again. "AH" I yell before giggling. "I told you that pillow wouldn't protect you princess."

"I've got to do my homework. Can you leave now?" I told Aiden after he stopped tickling my waist. "Nah, I'm good." He said and I was tempted to roll my eyes but I didn't! "Were you about to..." He asked, doing spiders on my belly. "No! I was not!" I tell him, giggling and pushing his hands away. "I'm serious. I have homework." I told him as I try to get off of the bed but he blocks my way. "Why can't I stay while you do homework?" he asked, giving me a puppy dog face. "Because, you can't go five minutes without tickling me and I can't do my homework while I'm being tickled." I told him honestly. "I can too go five minutes without tickling you." he said, folding his arms and pouting. I giggled and tried to get off of the bed again but he still wouldn't let me. "Oh yeah? Name one time you have." I challenged and he looked down for a second and then looked back up. "Before I met you. I went 14 years without tickling you." He said and I giggle and push him down and finally get past him. "That doesn't count." I told him. " I'll prove to you that I can go five minutes without tickling you." He said. "You can do that tomorrow. I have homework." I told him. "Fine." He said pouting and I laughed at his childishness. I turn to get my backpack from the floor and when I turn back around he's gone. "Bye princess." He said, appearing behind me, squeezing my sides, and then vanishing for real this time.

After I finish my homework, I eat dinner and ask if I can spend the weekend at Emily's house. Once my parents say yes, I rush upstairs to pack but I realize that I have a notification on my phone. I'm expecting it to be Emily but when I check it, it's from an unknown number. I tap the notification and see that it's a picture of me getting tickled by the roses. I look so happy with my eyes squeezed shut and my smile bigger than ever as the roses taunted me with tickles. "Aiden." I whispered as I blush, realizing who the unknown number belongs to. I decide to save the number as "My Tickle Monster." Then, I proceed to pack my things for Emily's house before going to sleep.

"You made my contact name 'My Tickle Monster?'" I hear someone say. I slowly open my eyes to see Aiden laying down beside me with a smirk. "You are my tickle monster. You said you only do this to me." I said as I turn away from him, now facing the wall, so I can go back to sleep. "True. But I call you princess. I think I deserve a better nickname." He said and I blush but don't say anything. "Come on!" He says as he squeezes my sides. "Quit it!" I giggle, turning towards him again. "Then change my nickname." he smirks. "Why don't you like it?" i giggle as he stops. "It's not that I don't like it...I just wasn't expecting that." He said, drawing circles on my belly to get me to giggle, which I did. "Did you like the picture? I know I did." He said as he pulls out his phone and shows me his new wallpaper; me. I blush and cover my face with my pillow. "Stop making me blush!" I tell him and he laughs. "I don't think I ever will." he whispers into my neck and I giggle. "I'll let you sleep now." he whispers once more before he vanishes again. I sigh before going back to sleep. 

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