Tuesday, Jan. 11th

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"So is Steven here for Emily?" I asked and Aiden shrugged. I'm currently brushing my teeth as I get ready for school. Aiden is just chilling on my bed waiting for me. "He hasn't told me if he actually has plans of asking Emily to move in with him. It's a big and hard decision. We don't take it lightly." Aiden said, smirking at me. I avoided looking at him so I wouldn't blush and quickly changed the subject. "So I shouldn't tell Emily that I'm moving?" I asked and Aiden shook his head no. "For now, don't. Since she's going through something similar with Steven. Steven will break the news to her regardless of his decision." Aiden said and I nodded as I spit into the sink and rinsed my mouth off. "You look cute today." Aiden said out of the blue as I turned off the faucet and dried my face. I looked down at my baggy hoodie and tights before looking at him with a frown. "You find my hoodie and tights attractive?" I said, smiling at how adorable that is. "I don't know if it would look cute on anyone else but it looks amazing on you." he said before getting out of my bed and walking towards me with a smirk. I blushed before saying "Aiden, whatever you're thinking of doing it's going to have to wait. I have to put on my shoes." "I can help you put on your shoes." he smirked. "Yeah and I"m sure you would find someway to make that tickle a lot." I said. "Aw come on! I just want one last snuggle with you before you leave." he said, walking closer with his arms wide open. "Aiden no. I don't have time." I giggled, running under his arms and to my closet to get my shoes. "That was mean!" He pouted, making me laugh. "You'll live." I said only to feel his arms wrapped around my waist and picking me up. "Aiden no! I don't have time!" I giggled as he slammed me on my bed. "I just want one last snuggle." he said before laying on top of me! "Aiden get off!" I laughed at his playful behavior. "You never have time for me anymore. It makes me sad." He teased. "This is the only time I've ever said this!" I said, trying to lift him off of me. Then as if him laying on top of me wasn't enough, his hands find their way to my thighs and start squeezing all of my giggles out of me. "Aiden! I have to go!" I giggled. "Okay. I'll let you go if you say the magic words." Aiden said. "What's the magic word?!" I giggled out. "Oh it's easy. It's just supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." He said. "Oh yeah that is easy!" I said sarcastically while still giggling my head off. "Yeah I thought so too." He laughed. Then I tried to say it. "Super...AH!" I squealed as Aiden flipped himself over so he found straddle me. "New challenge." he said, no longer tickling me. "Aiden I'm going to be late to school." I told him. "You have plenty of time. Plus, if you win the challenge, I'll get off." He smirked. "Ugh fine. What's the challenge?" I asked. "If you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious without giggling, I'll let you go. And I won't tickle you." he said and I raised an eyebrow. "You mean all I have to do is not laugh and say that word? And you can't tickle me?" I asked and he nodded. "Easy enough right?" He said. "It seems to be..." I said, looking at him suspiciously. "What? I won't tickle you!" He laughed. "Okay okay let's get this over with." I said. "Say the word." He said. "Supercali..." I started but stopped as I saw him raise his hands up. "Keep going." He said. I sighed and said "Supercalifragilis..."I started but was interepretted by my own giggling. "Aiden you can't do that!" I giggled. "I'm not tickling you though." He said as I watch him wiggle his fingers dangerously close to my stomach. "You basically are!" I giggled. "No I'm not. I said I wouldn't tickle you and I'm not." He said, smirking at me. This guy is an evil mastermind. "Now say the magic word without giggling." He teased. I sighed, trying to compose myself, looking away from his fingers. When I finally stopped giggling, I started again. "Supercalifraglisticex....NO!" I giggled out as I felt his fingers rest on my belly. "What?" Aiden laughed as I turned into a giggling mess without him tickling me. "I'm not tickling you cutie." He said, still laughing at me. "Aiden I can't do it!" I giggled. "Well, then I guess you're not going to school today. Fine by me." He teased. "Aiden please!" I giggled. "Alaina!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Yes ma'am!" I yelled out, still a giggling mess. "Tell lover boy he's going to have to tickle you later! You're going to be late for school!" My mom teased, making Aiden blush like crazy. "I'm trying to mom!" I giggled as Aiden finally let me up. "Actually it's Alaina that won't leave me alone. I keep telling she needs to get ready for school but she's not listening." Aiden teases and I scoff before throwing a pillow at him, making him laugh at me. I hear my mom laugh before saying "Just come eat breakfast before it gets cold you two."

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