Tuesday, Jan 11th Part 3

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"Thank you so much for this. I needed it." Emily said. "Shhh! Don't say that so loud or Aiden will know we're finished!" I scolded before looking over at Aiden. He was still on his F-Tab playing games. "You two are ridiculous. You're really going to run out of here?" Emily giggled. "Duh!" I whispered. "You're probably not even going to make it out of the door." Emily teased and I giggled. "You're probably right but I'm still going to try." I said with a smirk. "Bye!" I whispered and she whispered bye back to me before I bolted out of the ice cream parlor. I didn't have to turn around to know Aiden was behind me, especially since within seconds, he had me in his grasp and was tickling me like crazy. "Come on cutie. Let's get you home." He said before walking outside, making sure no one was watching, and teleporting us back home.


"Mom!" I squealed as I ran down the stairs, trying to get away from Aiden. She was in the kitchen preparing dinner. "Hi Alaina!" My mom said at first but them realized I was running and Aiden was chasing me before starting to laugh. "You two are way too funny." My mom said as I hid behind her. "Mrs. Love, she took my F-Tab!" Aiden complained, making me laugh at him. "Why did you take your boyfriend's F-Tab honey?" My mom said. "To annoy him and obviously it's working." I giggled, making him grab for me again, making me scream and push my mother forward. "Mrs. Love, she can't see my tab remember?" Aiden said and realization flooded her face. "Alaina, I know you're teasing him but he needs his F-Tab." My mom said. "Wait, what was that?" I asked, coming out from behind my mom and glaring at both of them. "What was what?" They both said at the same time which made me laugh. "You're both hiding something!" I yelled and they both looked at each other in panic. "What? How could I ever hide something from you? You're being ridiculous."  Aiden said and I smirked again because he was literally blushing up a storm. "So it wouldn't be a problem if I looked through your text messages then?" I asked and both my mom and Aiden yelled "No!" "So then what are you planning?" I asked. "Fine we're planning something but we can't tell you what." Aiden said, snatching his F-Tab away. "What? Why?" I whined. "Because it's a surprise Alaina. Remember those?" My mom teased as she went back to prepping dinner. "So even if I give you my best puppy dog face, you won't tell me?" I asked Aiden, giving him my very best puppy dog face. "Stay strong Aiden. I know how that feels." My dad said from the living room, making Aiden laugh. "You know too?!" I yelled to my dad. "It's only a surprise for you sweetie." My dad teased and I pouted. "Awww don't worry. I promise you'll love it." Aiden said, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Speaking of love, mom can Aiden and I go to Flawless tomorrow? His mom wants me to go on a tour of 'Just For Kids'!" I said with excitement. Just For Kids is their version of school but instead of work, they do a bunch of fun activities. "Yeah fine with me. But on Thursday you need to be here so we can withdraw you from school." My mom said and I nodded. "What are you going to tell Emily when you leave the school?" My dad asked. "Oh I was thinking I could tell her the reason why I'm leaving the school is a surprise and leave her wondering." I joked, making everyone laugh. "You'll love the surprise Alaina. Just be patient." My mom said and I smiled and said okay. "Tell her you got into a gifted school and you're transferring there immediately." My dad said. "Maybe I should say it's a boarding school since I won't be living here anymore." I added. "Perfect." My mom said. "Alright! Let's eat!" My mom announced as we all sat at the dinner table.

(The next day)
"Alaina!" Aiden's mom said, giving me a huge hug when I arrived. "Hi!" I said, hugging her back. "Aiden, what took you two so long?" She said as I came out of the hug. "I'll give you one guess." I said before glaring at Aiden, which only made him blush. She laughed and said "Well come on in! We'll leave for the tour in just a second." She said. When she left to go finish getting Lilly ready, I turned to Aiden and said "We should go see the progress of our room!" He smirked and said "I'll race you there!" before bolting up the stairs. "Hey! No fair!" I giggled before running behind him. I didn't even come close to beating him but to be fair, he has super speed AND he got a head start. "That was ridiculously unfair." I scolded him when I made it to the door of our room. He, however, was too busy smiling at the door to pay me any mind. I frowned at him before looking at the door so see what he was smiling at. Our room was already at 90 percent completion! "Wow! It's almost done?" I squealed with excitement. "You'll be living in Flawless before you know it!" Aiden said before lifting me up and spinning me around in circles.

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