Thursday, January 6th

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Thursday, January 6th

The next morning, I head to school on the bus and find a very tired looking Emily. Emily's never tired...wait...

Oh no.

"Emily? Don't tell me it's happening to you too?" I whisper as her eyes grow two sizes bigger. "A green-eyed boy is tickling you too?" Emily asked and I frowned. Aiden has blue eyes. "No. Mine has blue eyes." I told her and she frowns. Then both of our eyes widen. I can't believe this!  "THERES MORE THAN ONE?!" We both yell and everyone glares at us. A small part of me is happy that it's not the same person messing with Emily. Aiden is only messing with me. It makes me feel special,

We quickly go to a more private location; the janitors closet, to continue our conversation. "Tell me exactly what happened." I tell her and she nods. "Last night, I woke up to myself giggling. Then I saw a bulge under the covers of my bed right next to my feet. Next thing I knew, my feet were being tickled like crazy. Then he showed himself and said "Hey sunshine." Then he vanished." She said. "Oh my gosh." I gasped. "What about you?" She asked and I explained everything to her. "He tickled you during CLASS?!" She shrieked and I nodded. " gosh. What if green eyes does the same thing?" Emily panicked. "You'll survive. I promise." I told her. We left the janitors closet and head to class. Emily is extremely nervous and honestly, so am I. I haven't seen Aiden since yesterday and I have a feeling he's going to show up soon.

We walk into class and our worst nightmare happens.

We have a sub.

I never thought I would dread having a sub but yet here I am. "Ok class. We aren't doing anything today. Free time." The sub says and everyone erupts into conversation.Free time means it's easier for Aiden and green eyes to mess with us. "Alaina." I hear Aiden. Like I said, it's easier for them. I quickly turn behind me but see nothing. "Aiden please no." I beg, not being able to help the blush that creeps up onto my face. "He's here?" Emily asked and I nodded. Right when I did, I feel him do spiders up my leg. "Ah!" I squeal and quickly cover my mouth as I get a few confused glances thrown my way. "You're welcome." Aiden said as he squeezes my kneecap. "Stop it! And for what?" I whisper as I twist and turn in my seat, trying my best not to laugh. "Your friend had a little visit yesterday from my friend. I set them up so you could have someone to talk to about this." He said as he squeezed under my knee caps. "Oh my gosh." I squeak and I hear him chuckle. "Laugh for me princess." He says and I try to run away from him like I did last time. This time I don't ask to leave because the sub is sleeping. Right when I leave the class, Aiden pins me to the wall with one hand, suddenly becoming visible. "What are you? How many people do you do this to?" I asked him. "My name is Aiden. I already told you. And I only do this to you." He says, tickling my belly with his other hand. I blush, embarrassed that I was slighty happy to hear that, before saying "I know that silly. I mean what are you!" I giggled as he continued to tickle me. "You'll find out one day. But for now, I want to take you somewhere. You're obviously not doing anything right now so..." He said and before I could say anything, he snapped his fingers. In the blink of an eye, we were no longer in school. 

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