Wednesday, January 5th Part 3

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After what feels like forever, he finally finished. "A-I-D-E-N! Aiden!" He says, underlining it on my stomach as I giggled. "Ok Aiden! What do you want from me?" I asked him, trying to snatch the marker from his hand but he moved his hand away before I could. "You'll find out soon enough Alaina." He said, smirking before he does what he did last night.

He vanished. What the actual fudge is going on?

"How does he know my name?" I said to myself as I lay there and replay all of the events of today in my head, even though it's still morning. I return to class after trying to wipe Aiden's art off of my belly but failing to do so. Luckily, I wasn't wearing a crop top today. I sit down in my seat and facepalm myself. "You have some explaining to do girl." Emily said as I turned to her and she looked just as confused as I am.

Except she's not because there's no way she's as confused as I am.

"Trust me. You don't want to know." I tell her as I put my head down and try to get some sleep.

The rest of the school day goes pretty normally, compared to this morning. I don't see Aiden anymore but Emily won't stop asking me what's wrong. I don't tell her because I don't even know what's wrong. What is Aiden? Why does he have powers? I mean, is it even powers? Am I just going crazy? I'm so confused.

Finally, the final bell of the day rings and I'm on my way home. I take the bus home and sit by myself.

Big mistake.

I'm looking out the window of the bus when Aiden appears next to me. "Alaina." He whispers into my neck. I giggle out of shock before quickly turning around to see him smirking as I quickly cover my mouth. He does not need to know that his whispering tickles my neck. However, this is the first time I'm really looking at him. He's wearing a white shirt with black pants. His hair is a mop of brown curls. His complexion is mixed but a little closer to brown than white, like me.

"What's so funny?" He asks me. "Nothing." I squeak. "Your voice gets higher when you lie." He states more than he questions. "That's adorable." "I'm not lying." I said. He is right though. My stupid voice does stupidly get high when I lie. 

Just another perk that comes with being Alaina I guess. 

 "What are you anyways?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "Don't try to change the subject princess." He said. I hate myself for blushing at the nickname. "What's funny?" He asked again, getting closer to me. "N-n-nothing." I squeak again, trying to back away but I'm against the window. "Oh really?" He asked, raising his eyebrow and I gulp. "Alaina!" The bus driver calls and I look out the window to see I'm home. I turn around and Aiden is gone. I quickly rush off of the bus and run into my house, closing the door. I'm always home alone when I come home from school since my parents have work and I'm an only child. I rush up to my room, drop my things, and close the door, only for Aiden to grab me and start whispering in my neck immediately. "So nothing is funny right?" He asked and I start giggling again. "Then why are you laughing princess?" He says as he throws me onto my bed. "Leave me alone!" I yell at him before throwing my pillows at him, which he allows to hit him with a smirk on his face. After I throw like 4 pillows, he says "Is that all you've got?" Then, he grabs two of my pillows and begins hitting me with them over and over again. "Ah! Ok ok! Stop!" I yell while giggling. He chuckles and finally stops. He puts the pillows down and then picks me up again. "Ugh! Leave me alone!" I groan, knowing he's going to do something and he laughs. He sits on my bed and then places me in his lap, secures me by wrapping his arms around my belly, and then begins to mess with my neck. "So... are you going to tell me what was funny?" He whispers into my neck as he starts to nuzzle my neck with his nose. "No!" I squealed as I started giggling again.

I stay giggling around this boy!

"Oh really?" He whispers again, still nuzzling my neck. "Why are you doing this?" I squealed, giggling extra hard as I tried to get away from him. "Why are you doing this?" He mimicked me but in whisper so it will tickle me. "Aiden!" I yell through my laughter, trying to push him away but he just holds onto me tighter. "Princess!" He whispers back and continues to nuzzle my neck. Soon, I'm giggling so hard, I can't even talk. "You're so adorable." He whispers so softly that I don't even think I'm supposed to hear him. Then, he stops out of nowhere. "Why do you keep doing this to me?" I asked him for the one millionth time today. "Because it's fun." He said before he turned me around to face him and then pushed me down so I was laying down and started tickling my stomach. "Awww you still have my little autograph." He said before using his fingers to trace what he wrote. "I...won'!" I squealed, trying to remove his fingers but he's stronger. "Good. That was my intention." He said, continuing to tickle me. "Alaina!" I hear my dad call out, causing Aiden to stop immediately. I look up at Aiden and he smirks, brings his face to my belly, covers my mouth and blows a huge raspberry in my belly, causing me to laugh so hard, I begin to cry. When he stops, he sits up again, winks, and then vanishes.

"Alaina!" My dad calls out again. "Yes dad?" I yell back but my voice cracks from all of the laughing I've been doing. "Are you okay? Do you feel better?" He asked. "Kind of!" I yelled back in a high pitched voice, still not moving from where I was on the bed. I obviously lied but thankfully my dad didn't notice. "Good. I have some work to do. I'll be in my office." He yells before I hear his office door close. I sigh before I sit up and place my head in my arms. "What the heck just happened?" I ask myself.

I soon snap out of my daze and decide to pretend like none of that happened. I head to the shower and try to scrub off my "autograph" from Aiden. It fades a little but barely. I accept defeat and exit from the shower. I put on my pajamas, which I realized are cropped so I changed them for two reasons. The first reason is because if Aiden shows up tonight, he will be able to tickle me way too easily. The second reason is because my autograph from Aiden is showing. So I change into a nightgown and then start on my homework.

After homework and dinner, I tell my parents good night and head to my bedroom. I close the door, even though I've learned by now that wouldn't stop Aiden from paying me a visit, and hop into my bed. I'm extremely exhausted so I fall asleep quickly. Thankfully, Aiden allows me to sleep for the night. 

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