Saturday, January 8th Part 7

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"So, the first task is to get past the Dogs Of Happiness and retrieve the stone?" Emily asked me and I nodded as we walked aimlessly through the grass. We have no idea what the dogs of happiness are or where to find them so we're completely lost. However, it looks like we're approaching yet another forest so we're hoping we'll find some answers there. 

We walk through the forest for some time and then start hearing small barking sounds. "Uh, did you hear that?" I asked and Emily nodded as we heard the barking again. We start walking towards the sound and the barks got louder and louder until the trees around us faded and there was the huge temple. In front of the temple was about 12 dogs walking around the entrance of the temple. "I'm assuming those are the dogs of happiness then?" I asked and Emily shrugged. "Maybe the stone is in the temple." Emily offered. "Yeah. I wonder why Aiden and Steven haven't tickled us. We're about to win this game." I said as we started walking towards the temple. However, after I took that first step on the temple grounds, all of the dogs of happiness turned towards us and I froze. "Oooh, are they guarding the stone?" I whispered before the dogs started barking and sprinted down the steps of the temple to get to us. "Oh shit. Run!"Emily squealed and we both ran back into the forest. We run as fast as we could, not knowing where we're going, as we hear the barking dogs get closer and closer to us. I realize we can't out run them so I stop and hid behind a huge tree, pulling Emily behind it with me. She frowns at me but I cover her mouth before she can say anything just as the dogs run right past us. When they do, we both let out a breath and I take my hand off of her mouth. "That was close." I whispered. Then just like that, I feel Aiden's fingers digging into my sides. "Ah!" I squealed, falling to the floor in a giggling fit. "That was close wasn't it?" Aiden teased as he continued to tickle my stomach. "Aiden! The dogs!" I squealed, trying to get away. My giggling is going to give us away to the dogs of craziness! "Too late for that princess." He said as the dogs approached us. I have no idea whats happening with Emily but I hear her giggling so I'm assuming she's in the same situation I am. 6 of the dogs circle around me while Aiden continues to tickle me. "Who exactly are you?" One of the dogs say in perfect English. 

What the heck? The dogs can talk? Then again, why am I even surprised? 

I'm so caught up in the talking dogs and Aiden tickling me that I don't even respond to the dogs question. "Get her to talk." The same dog orders as two of the other dogs start licking my feet and toes! "Ah! I'll talk!!" I squealed and giggled. "Tell us why you're here." The dog said. "To completed the stupid escape room!" I squealed and the dogs looked at me like I was crazy. 

Great. So we're pretending this isn't a game? 

"She's obviously telling lies so we can stop tickling her." One of the other dogs say and I shake my head. "No! I'm sorry! We just, um..." I started but then got cut off. "We came to say hi!" I heard Emily squeal over me. 

Well, I guess that excuse could work.

"Yeah! We're just came to say hi and thank you for your services!" I agreed. Both the dogs and Aiden stop tickling me and I lay there hoping they believed our lie. "We do work hard dont we?" One of the dogs say. "Yes. Definitely." I said. "That's why we came to keep you all company and maybe guard the stone so you can have some time off to chill?" Emily yelled over me. 

If they fall for this, I'd be shocked.

"It would be nice to take a break." One of the dogs add. "Okay. You girls can guard the stone while we take a short break. But if we return and the stone is gone, we will hunt you down and tickle the life out of you forever." One dog said and all of the other dogs bark on forever, as if they're agreeing with what he said. "Yes sir. We'll make sure no one touches the stone." I said. And just like that, all of the dogs ran off into the distance to take a break. 

"I can not believe that worked." I whispered to Emily as we both get up from the ground and start walking back to the stone. "Don't question it. Let's just get the stone and get out of here." Emily said. So we quickly jog to the temple and walk right up to the stone. "You should carry it this time because last time Aiden tickled the life out of me for the stupid note." I said. "Steven tickled me too!" Emily whined. "Yeah but I successfully got us to the next stage while being tickled so I win." I smirked and Emily rolled her eyes before saying "Fine," and picking up the  stone. 

But no one tickled her. 

"Wow. Cause that's fair." I said as Emily laughed at me. "Wait look. There's the next step." She said. The pillar that was holding the stone has the next mission written on it. I read it off  "Take the stone past the ball pit and into the land of water." I read out loud. "Take it past what and into who?" Emily asked and I shrugged. "I knew they were imposters!" We heard someone say. We both turn to our right and see the dogs of happiness have returned. "Get them!" They barked out as they all start rushing towards us. Right as they do, a random portal opens up to our left. "Random portal or tickled forever by the dogs of craziness?" I asked. "Random portal it is." Emily said before hoping into the portal with the stone. I followed behind her and the portal closed behind us right after the dogs barked out "We will find you!" 

The portal drops us in a random but huge plastic ball pit. It's basically a swimming pool of plastic balls. "What the heck?" I asked. Then I see a ball drop on Emily's head. We both frown before looking up and seeing at least 20 Curious George looking monkeys hanging from the ceiling looking directly at us. They're all unrealistically adorable. "And what exactly do we have here?" One of the monkeys said. I look around for where we're supposed to go, obviously panicking and realized the only possible exit looks like it's literally miles away. If there's at least 20 monkeys on the ceiling, the balls are literally up to our necks, and Aiden or Steven can tickle us at any time, 

We're screwed. 


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