Friday, January 7th Part 3

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"Alright girls! Order pizza when you get hungry. We're leaving!" Emily's mom said as Emily's dad simply waved. "Bye!" We both wave and then they're gone. Right when they are, Aiden pops up with Steven. "Well well well..." Aiden says. "Two little girls all alone with Steven and I." He says as Aiden walks towards me and Steven walks towards Emily. "RUN!" Emily yells and we both take off running. I run up the stairs towards the guest room I'm staying in. When I get to the guest room, I quickly close the door and not even a second later, Aiden opens it with a smirk on his face. "AH!" I squeal as I try to run back out of the door but he catches me. I know I know. That wasn't the smartest move I've made thus far but I panicked! "Did you realize that I didn't tickle you during your Chemistry class at all?" He said as he carries me to the bed. "You were still making me laugh the entire time." I argued and he places me on the bed, which is up against the wall just like the one in my room, and corners me. "I know right! Who knew I could make you laugh without tickling you?" He said and I giggled right before he started attacking me with tickles.

"Aiden I'm begging you! Just let me watch TV!" I struggle to say through my laughter as I wrestle Aiden. Aiden and I decided to watch TV and just chill but since I'm watching a show he doesn't want to watch, he's making it his mission to annoy me. So, he's wrestling me for my feet. I have my feet in crisscross formation and he's trying to get me to un-criss cross my legs so that he can tickle my feet. "No can do princess." he said smirking as he got his hands out of my grip and started tickling my thighs. "NO!" I yelled as I giggle and try to detach his fingers from me but don't succeed. "This would have been so much easier if you would have just let me tickle your feet." He laughs as he continues to tickle my thighs and I just sit, giggling and not knowing how to get away from him. "No it wouldn't have," I argue and he laughs. "Now you're missing the best part of the show. Would you look at that? Cassandra and Jackie are fighting!" He says and it only makes me laugh harder.

I'm watching Dance Moms. There is no Cassandra or Jackie.

"You're crazy!" I tell him and I start to lay back on the pillows behind me so he sees this as an opportunity to tickle my stomach. "AIDEN!' I scream. "Just give me your feet and I'll stop princess." He said and I finally give in and un-crisscross my feet. He stops and immediately lays down on my legs and takes off my socks. "Your feet are so adorable." He says. "Is there anything about you that isn't adorable?" He said, looking back at me and I blush but try not to let it affect me. "Well, when you tickle me, my giggle can get annoying." I said. "Are you kidding me? Your giggle is the most beautiful thing in this world." He says as he softly tickles my feet, making my giggle and blush. I decide not to say anything and try to focus on Dance Moms as he continues to tickle my feet. Then the door opens and Emily peeks her head inside. "Hey! Steven left so I was coming in here to hang with you." She says and I'm still giggling. "Aiden, you should leave like your friend!" I say through my giggles and Aiden starts to tickle my feet even more. "What she meant to say is 'Sure, come on in!" Aiden says. When he says that, I decide to try to get him back since he's a little distracted so I yank one of my feet away from him and use it to kick his butt. "I can talk for myself thank you very much!" I tell him and he smirks before he sits up, grips onto the foot he still has with more strength, and then does the unthinkable.

He starts to kiss my barefoot over and over again.

"NO!!!" I squeal as I throw my head back in laughter and he just laughs and smirks into the kisses, making it tickle even more. "Should I just come back?" Emily asked, looking amused by the situation. "No, please stay." Aiden says as he continues to torture me. Emily then comes in and closes the door before sitting on the bed with us. I try to use my free foot to kick him away but he just grabs that one and starts to kiss it as well. "AIDEN! PLEASE!!" I squeal as I try to get away but nothing works. "You know what I've noticed? You always say please but never thank you!" He says into the kisses and I have to close my eyes because I'm laughing so hard. "SHUT UP! IT TICKLES MORE!" I squeal and he laughs. "Oh, so when I talk, it makes it tickle even more?" He said and I nodded. "Well in that case," he said as smirks against my foot. "Emily, how's your day going?" He said. "NO! DON'T ANSWER HIM!" I squeal and Emily laughs at us. "Well I can't be rude Alaina. My day's going pretty good. And you?" Emily replies.

This is insane.

"AIDEN PLEASE AND THANK YOU!" I squealed, not being able to take it anymore and he laughs and kisses me a few more times before stopping. I have to just lay there and catch my breath for a few seconds before I talk. "" I breathe and he laughs. "That's a promise I can't keep princess." He says and he comes back to the head of the bed to sit in between Emily and I.

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