Saturday, January 8th, Part 3

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"Ok! You've had Alaina long enough!" Emily said, barging into the room I was in. Aiden and I had just finished kissing and we were about to pick something to watch on TV before she barged in. "Wait what?" Aiden asked. "Alaina's sleeping over at MY house so I want to hang out with her." Emily said. "Then come on in!"Aiden said. "But I want to hang out with her without the tickle monster!" Emily whined. "She has a valid point." I told Aiden and he pouted. "Fine. I'll be back though." Aiden said before vanishing. "Wow. That was easier than I thought it was going to be." Emily said as she joined me on the bed. "Where's Steven?" I asked her. "He left this morning." Emily said nonchalantly. "So, is there anything going on there?" I asked her and she just shrugged.

I guess that's a no.

"Not really. It doesn't seem like what you and Aiden have." Emily said, only making me blush. I think I have some kind of excessive blushing disorder because this is too much. "Speaking of Aiden, how are things going with him?" Emily asked. "He is so sweet!" I squealed and she smiled at my excitement. "He loves to make me laugh, obviously. He says all the right things and treats me like a princess, hence the nickname." I told her, blushing more and more. "He's basically perfect." I admitted. "Wow. Yeah I definitely don't have that with Steven. When are you going to tell him how you feel?" Emily asked. "Well, I already did." I told her. "WHAT?" She exclaimed and I laughed at her reaction. "Tell me everything!" She exclaimed. "He was begging me to tell him when I blush so much around him and I told him it's mainly because I have feelings for him." I told her. "And then what?" She asked. "Well," I started, sighing as I felt the blushing starting. "Then he kissed me." I said with a huge smile on my face. "HE KISSED YOU????!" She screamed and I shushed her. "Girls? Are you okay?" I heard Emily's dad say. "Yeah!" Emily said before turning back to me. "When did all of this happen? Did he kiss you on the lips? How did it feel? Was it good? Was it like the movies?! OMG this was your first kiss! Are you two dating now? How did his breath smell when he kissed you? What happened after you kissed? How did you..." She rambled. "Okay okay! Chill!" I told her, laughing at her excitement for MY first kiss. That's how I know she's a real friend. "Okay. All of this happened today a few minutes before you barged in. He did indeed kiss me on the lips. He kissed me and then I kissed him. It felt amazing! It was better than kissing scenes from any movie I've ever watched. I don't know if we're dating yet. The kissing literally just happened. This is a weird question but his breath smelled normal. What happened after the kiss is complicated." I said. "How?" She asked. "While we were kissing, he started tickling me. Then while I was giggling, he was still kissing me, telling me to kiss him back." I said, blushing at the memory. "THAT'S SO CUTE!" Emily squealed. "Yeah and it made me giggle a lot! He finally stopped and then asked me to kiss him but I refused. So he tickled my thighs a little and then I gave in." I told her. "You're so lucky. Your relationship with Aiden would make a great romance novel." She said. "Yeah. But there's only one problem." I told her. "I still don't know that much about him." I admitted. "Good point. I'm sure he will tell you. Anyone with common sense can tell that he really cares about you." Emily said. "Thanks." I smiled.

"Are you done with my princess yet?" Aiden whined. It's now been about an hour since Aiden vanished. We were just relaxing and gossiping about everything when Aiden popped up again. I blushed at how he called me his princess and then Emily said "Where did you go anyway?" "You didn't answer my question." He said as he sat on the bed and crawled towards me. "You didn't answer mine." Emily said back. "How about we all hang out together?" I suggested. "Oh puh-lease. I'll just be a third wheel while Aiden showers you with tickles, kisses, and compliments every 5 seconds." Emily said before getting off of the bed. Aiden chuckled and I just blushed again. "How about in the evening we all go out?" Aiden suggested. "I can take us all somewhere special and you can invite Steven so you don't feel like a third wheel." Aiden suggested. "Ok fine."Emily said heading out of the room. "Bye lovebirds." She said right before closing the door behind her. "Where are you taking us later?" I asked Aiden. "You should be worried about where I"m taking you right now." He said as he went in for a kiss before snapping his finger, teleporting us to yet another one of his mysterious field trips.

In less than a second, I'm standing in what looks like paradise. We're at the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed as I pulled away from Aiden to take in the view. "Welcome to Heaven's Waterfall." Aiden says. "It's beautiful! But why did you bring me here?" I gasped, still in complete awe of my surroundings. "Alaina?" He said and I looked at him only to see him smirking at me. "I thought this would be the perfect place to ask you if you would be my girlfriend?" He asked, a blush creeping onto his face and mine. He looked so adorable when he got nervous. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I told him, causing him to smile. That smile quickly turned into a smirk as he asked "Also, do you know how to swim?" "Yeah. Why do you..." I said, looking away from him for a second, giving him enough time to pick me up and throw me into the pool part of the waterfall. I squealed out of shock until I made contact with the water. Quickly, I came back up to the water's surface only to see Aiden diving in, making a huge splash. "How dare you?" I squealed as he reached the surface only making him laugh. "You said you could swim." Aiden shrugged and I scoffed, turning away from him. "Aw don't pout princess! I just knew you would enjoy the waterfall pool. Am I right?" He asked as he swam to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me, making me blush like crazy. I shrugged, even though I do love how beautiful and clear this water is. "I know what will cheer you up." He said, taking his arms off of my waist, making me slightly regret pouting. Then there was silence. I turned around and he was gone. "Aiden?" I said, suddenly getting scared. I frantically swam around but then felt something grab my foot. "AH! HELP! HELP!" I screamed and then felt that something started tickling the bottom of my foot. I immediately started giggling like crazy and realized who it was. "AIDEN STOP!" I squealed, shaking my foot around until I got it free from his grip. I quickly swam away only for Aiden to pop out of the water with a smirk. "Aiden! You nearly scared me half to death!" I yelled at him. Then the most unexpected thing happened. A little girl popped up on Aiden's back, like she was giving him a piggy back ride, and say "BOO!" I screamed out of shock as the little girl started giggling. "Lily, what the hell?" Aiden said calmly. The little girl is extremely beautiful, maybe the most adorable little girl I've ever seen. She doesn't look any older than 6 years old. She has her curly hair in pigtails and is wearing a purple butterfly bathing suit. Her facial structure also looks really similar to Aiden's.

Wait, he knows her?

"You know her?" I said, still very shocked and confused. The little girl stopped giggling and said "I'm Lily, Aiden's little sister."

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